Taken from handsome Matt

1. First best friend: Loreanne
2. First love:
3. First real kiss: Jeff
4. First screen name: Sumrkat
5. First pet: Taukamimi and Cinder
6. First car: ’64 Mustang

1. Last cigarette: ew, never
2. Last kiss: Been a while
3. Last good cry: months?
4. Last beverage drank: carmel apple cider
5. Last food consumed: granola bar
6. Last crush:
7. Last phone call: administration for an interview

1. Who is your best friend: Loreanne, Andrea, Sarah, Emily
2. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: No

1. Where are your favorite places to shop: where ever there’s a sale. If I had $$$ I could easily splurge at that Boutique up on Queen Ann or Anthropologie, Express, Hollister, A&F, Aeropostal, Nordstrom, Target, Walmart, Pottery Barn, Ross, any bookstore, the usual…
2. Favorite item of clothing: my super comfy 5+yr-old cords and my tennis shirt

1. Do you do drugs: ew, no
2. What kind of shampoo do you use: currently, herbal essence…normally whatever is on sale that smells nice.
3. What are you most scared of: oh so many things

1. Colors: red, olive green, blue…I love colors
2. Foods: ice cream, warm homemade cookies, pasta, artichokes, this really yummy pie I had in Scotland that I can’t remember the name of, any kind of fruit
3. Subject in school: art, english, communication
4. Animals: kitties
5. Sports: tennis
6. Movie: Office Space, Finding Nemo, the emperors new groove, and any kind of kung-fu movie

1. Given anyone a bath: my dogs and a kid I used to babysit
2. Smoked: nope
3. Made yourself throw-up: ew, no
4. Skinny dipped: sorta
5. Been in love: Yes

1. Clothes:jeans, long sleeve Roxy T-shirt, SPU sweatshirt, toe socks and my favorite sneakers!
2. Music: Angel – Wax Poetic
3. Make-up: None
4. IMs: nobody

2. Hugged: handsome matt
3. Imed: same
4. Last person who slept at your house: my roommates
5. Last persons house you slept at: Sierra Suites in Bellevue with my bro!

1. In the morning I am: confused
2. Love is: patient and kind
3. I dream about: a wee bit of everything

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I’m really cold. Despite the fact that most girls are cold all the time anyway…I think my coldness may be an indicator of more than just me being a girl. I think I should get this checked out, because I run around way too much for this to be a something related to just circulation or whatever. Hmmm…let me know if you have any insights.

In other news, although I’m chilly right now…I think other areas of my life are slowly starting to warm up. Very very very very very very slowly.

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God is Good

For all of you out there who were praying for me…THANK YOU!! I’m still alive. I came out with a few academic bruises, but as I’ve been telling myself since yesterday…it’s not blocking my entrance to Heaven.

Things that helped me get through today:
-Complete detachment from reality (perhaps even mentally disembodied) for two hours during a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad midterm this morning
-Totally hecka awesome and encouraging friends
-A package from my Dad with a note telling me how proud he was of me (seriously guys…this was the best part of today)and a bunch of mail including a really cute card from one of my friends.
-A voice message from my Dad telling me about an interesting news lead that he heard about on the radio this morning (I’m looking into it)

***SIDE NOTE: My friend at the Seattle Times told me that they’re planning to run an article tomorrow about SPU and the Lifestyle Expectations debate…READ IT!!!!***

-Getting stuff done and over with (I’ll post more about this later)
-PB&J on sourdough bread…(it’s the only food I have left – I need to go grocery shopping soon)
-A particularly informative Senate meeting and some new leads on old stories. (I’ve got that journalistic itch again!)
-An encouraging LJ update posted by my best friend about how God answers prayer and about the awesomeness happening at home.

There’s more, but I’m too tired to think anymore right now. Ciao!

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Good and not-so-good weekend

A mixture of emotions, I sit here wondering what’s next. With two papers and a stat exam due tomorrow, none of which are done or prepared for, I can’t focus after a whirlwind of a weekend. I miss my brother. It was so nice to see him this weekend. We went shopping yesterday, sorta. We only went to the Boutique on Queen Ann and the Apple store at Bellveue mall. He got an iPod mini for Heather and I got one for myself. I know I know…I bought something for myself other than groceries or a pillow. It was hard for me to do, but somehow my bro brings out a spontaneous side in me and I went for it. I like it a lot. 🙂 Kyle hung out with us that day too. It was fun to see him again and I know my brother enjoyed hanging out with an old friend. (Plus, I got a killer massage out of the deal, haha). He helped me set up my iPod software and stuff. That was nice.
My roommate’s fiance, Adam, was in town also with his friend, Matt. After Kyle and my bro left I ran down to her place and took Matt with me over to Cassie’s for a movie night while Sarah and Adam went out to a lovely dinner. We watched one of my favorite movies, Equilibrium. A highly under appreciated classic. I’m gonna have to find that one on DVD or video sometime…I’ll put it on the Christmas list. 🙂
Needless to say, Cassie rocks my casba…it was her movie…haha. Cass, I love you! Speaking of love, when I was at Cassie’s, Andrea called me! It was great to hear her voice and I wish we could’ve talked longer. But our connection cut out. I hope you had fun last night Andrea! I miss you tons.
So now, after all that, I still have two papers and an exam tomorrow. I can’t focus. I also missed out on seeing hardcore this weekend. I’m anxious to know if he broke his vegan-ism. I hope he’s not sick. *praying*
Did I mention that I can’t focus and I have two papers and an exam due tomorrow? *sigh*

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I think my emotional radar is whack. Or I’m just scared. Lord help me.

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Isaiah 48:16

“Come near me and listen to this:
“From the first announcement I have not spoken in secret; at the time it happens, I am there.”
And now the Sovereign Lord has sent me, with his Spirit.”


Even after promotions from Eminem and “Vote or Die” from Puffy…still only 17% (the exact same as in 2000) of our youth showed up to vote. What the heck!

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I have missed my brother so much! It was great to come home to him after class today. We talked and hung out with friends and talked more and then I made him dinner. Then my stupid meetings forced us to go our separate ways. He had an hour and a half drive ahead of him anyway…it was probably better this way. I’m so excited for Friday! Sarah, Adam, my bro and I are gonna have so much fun. I’m not sure what we’re gonna do…but it’s going to be fun. Can’t wait.

I watched the coolest movie tonight with Hardcore. Hitchcock’s Strangers on a Train….what an amazing movie. I highly recommend it.

Time for bed…tomorrow is going to be absolutely insane. In fact, I’d venture to say that in many ways…the weeks ahead are going to get progressively more and more crazy. And the polls are only part of the reason.

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I heart Jon Stewart


If you still haven’t seen it…WATCH IT NOW!!!!

“We need help from the media because they’re hhhuuuuurrting us.”

“I’m not suggesting you’re not a smart guy…because those are hard to tie.”

P.S. My brother is coming today!!!!!!!!

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Just Kidding

Soooo, as it turns out, we haven’t left yet for trick-or-treating, we’re still waiting on a few people….so if you thought you couldn’t go before because of time clash…you still have a chance!!!! So throw on a costume and come join us!

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