Hello Friends! I need your addresses ASAP so I can send you wedding invites! Please either email me, call me or post your address on a ‘me-only’ view. I’m screening comments (thanks for the tip Jon 🙂 Thanks so much!
Hello Friends! I need your addresses ASAP so I can send you wedding invites! Please either email me, call me or post your address on a ‘me-only’ view. I’m screening comments (thanks for the tip Jon 🙂 Thanks so much!
I got to work this morning, went to put my lunch in the breakroom, opened the refrigerator and …surprise! My pasta and basil tomatoes are back. Weirdness.
I think someone accidentally took home my pasta and basil tomatoes I left in the breakroom refrigerator yesterday. Bummer…
In my Bible study the other night, Beth Moore said that we have been given God’s cell phone number. Naturally, I thought this was nonsense. But then she referenced where it was found in the Bible… “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” […]
Do you ever have one of those days where things feel a lot bigger than they really are? I’m not talking about trying on clothes after loosing weight or forgetting that ‘the objects in your review mirror are closer than they appear.’ I’m speaking situationally. This last week has been full of those days and […]
Pre-marriage counceling with John and Julie was so much fun last night! I am thankful beyond words for their wisdom and support. I’m really excited to see where God leads us through this. 🙂 (more thoughts on this later.) I haven’t heard anything back from the women in my Bible study about taking the dinner […]
I swear the guy came out of nowhere. I was just pulling into the parking lot at work when I saw the lights behind me. The worst part was: my license was expired, I just got the car last month so I didn’t have any registration or insurance and I honestly couldn’t remember if my […]
The more time I spend at this job the more I see why God put me here. The stress level is almost non-existent and the people I work with are so nice! The respect around the office is amazing and although I still have a lot to learn, my co-workers are endlessly patient. Most, if […]
I got to hang with Miranda last night and finally give her her b-day gift. I’ve missed that girl so much! And to be back in Robbins…wow, that brought back memories. It still has the same stale musk and random piles of old furniture in the hallways. Oddly enough, I missed the place and felt […]
I miss my LJ. So I’ve decided to come back. Will you take me back? Can I be accepted back into the club of lj-users? I sure hope so. I’m no good at club crashing.