Today was a frazzled day. (I’ve just recently decided this). However, it was a happy day. I got a package in the mail from my best friend! I love you Loreanne! You are the bestest best friend a girl could ever have! I got a hat! I’ve been in desperate need of a hat! My […]
I wasted another dollar
I just wasted a dollar at the library – attempting to make copies of an article for a class. I’d just picked up the “Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association” (volume 75) at the circulation desk and I thought I’d maintain my Christian integrity and pay to make copies of the article in the […]
Psalm 143:5-10 – My prayer for this week.
I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done. I spread out my hands to you; my soul thirsts for you like a parched land. Answer me quickly, O LORD; my spirit fails. Do not hide your face from me or I will be […]
Free Verse – Gnawing
A lot of time has gone by and still homework is left untouched. I just spent a couple hours talking with my roommate. She is worried about me. I feel better now having opened to her. I think this is supposed to be healthy. So much has been locked inside me, hiding. But this is […]
Another new word
floccinaucinihilipilification (FLAHK-si-NAW-si-NY-hil-i-PIL-i-fi-KAY-shin) – the categorization of something as trivial or worthless. In case you were wondering about the new title of my journal (esprit de l’escalier) – it’s the perfect riposte that comes to mind later, and far too late to do you any good. The term comes from French and means literally the “spirit […]
A new word…
I learned a new word at work today. Meterosexual…you wanna take a wild guess what that means? Apparently it’s a guy who is completely straight (heterosexual), but has feminine attributes (i.e. dresses nice, smells decent, polite, etc.). Now, honestly, do we really need a word for this? Are we just creating another label for our […]
Where to start….
Today is my roommate’s birthday. She’s 20. Last night I planned to have a bunch of her friends surprise her. They came around 11:30. I had hoped to keep my roommate awake for the event. But she decided to go to sleep. So when they came by, I had to go in and wake her […]