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And apparently my MEAN was 5.01
And apparently my MEAN was 5.01
Yes, God is good…all the time! I got to go to the concert and still tithe! I’m so excited that the Lord provided great friends to help me enjoy the concert. My friend decided that he still wanted me to go and so he paid for my ticket! Super sweet. And the concert…oh boy…well, if you’ve ever been to a Dashboard concert you know they never a disapointment. It was awesome. I even got some autographs and I GOT MY T-SHIRT!!!! I’m so happy. I’m going to wear it tomorrow for sure! *sigh of contentment*
Well, now for the other stuff…not only was the concert absolubetly wonderful, but it also had it’s downsides. Although I’m the kind of person who has the ability to block out certain memories pretty well, there always seems to be something that can trigger a memory causing it to surface. That happened tonight. *sniffle* I have been soooo good too! Allow me to explain. There was this guy I really really really liked and was involved with during the summer of my senior year before coming to college. I liked him a whole lot. But to make a long story short…some really crappy stuff happened and we had to call it off and I have hardly seen or heard from him since. Anyhow, at the concert someone was wearing the same cologne or something that he used to wear. I haven’t known any guy who has ever worn that same scent. It was so hard to be reminded of that. I prayed really really hard and thankfully the Lord calmed my heart. And after that I was able to regain composure and continue enjoying the show. So the moral of the story is, God answers prayer and concerts are fun! yippi!
Today at church was great. We had an awesome service and discussed a passage in Mark 6. After the services, I went to a Bethany Women’s Fellowship Salad Luncheon. I met some great women there and I even got a few more sources and leads for one of my articles. I also found out about a women’s retreat that has been planned for spring and I am really looking forward to it a lot. So today was a blessing in a lot of ways.
However, along with these blessings came a big decision. Today, Bethany Church was collecting a special offering for several missionaries that they support. The offering was taken to go towards their Christmas fund for these missionairies. They had to start collecting now because they’re mailing it and it’s going to take a long time to actually reach the missionaries across the world. When the pastor was talking about this, the Lord struck me with a thought and then a heavy conviction. I could hardly remember the last time I tithed. I mean, sure part of this could be because I haven’t had a steady job in a while, so I didn’t exactly have anything to tithe with. (And this isn’t even technically ‘my’ home church, right?) But then again, I have been going to concerts and activities in which I managed somehow to scrape up the money to attend. Why wasn’t I putting that much effort into giving back to God that which He had given me? What makes a concert or anything else of that nature, so much more worthy of my cash? Besides, doesn’t it say in the Bible that if we give to God’s church, He will surely reward us? I knew right away what I had to do. And to be quite honest, I’m ashamed to say that it was really really hard. A friend of mine had gone out of his way to get tickets to a Dashboard Confessional concert this Monday. I love Dashboard and I was really really looking forward to going. I didn’t even really have the money for the ticket, but somehow I scraped it up. I had even planned on getting a t-shirt. (the t-shirt I had suffered a great deal of regret over last time because I didn’t buy it. Seriously, I was so angry with myself because I didn’t get one!) Anyhow, God was telling me that I needed to give that up and give the money to the church. I was thinking “Why God? You know I wanted to go to this concert really bad.” But deeper behind that voice of questioning, I knew it was what I needed to do. So I’m writing a check for the amount of the ticket plus the amount I was planning to spend on a t-shirt, and I’m mailing it to the church.
What’s even harder though is that I feel absolutely terrible about not going because my friend who got the ticket for me was looking forward to going with me. I haven’t been able to tell him why I can’t go. I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to tell him. So I’m praying heavily about that. (that’s why I put a lock on this entry) I pray he’s able to find somebody else to go. I’ve told a few girls on my floor about it. They love Dashboard too, so I know they’d appreciate going even if it is with a stranger. I feel so bad! But yet, I feel like this is something I’ve been commanded to do. IT’S SO HARD! Grrrr… Lord, please show me Your reasoning in all of this and ease my heart!
Love – 10/27/02
I know what you’re thinking; you’re thinking “whoa girl, that’s a weird transition. From ‘stupidity’ of the Stella Awards to ‘Love’?” I know it’s an odd leap, but I just had to relieve myself of this burden of thought.
I was just watching the sequel to “Carrie”, you know that movie about that chick that has the ability to move things with her mind and she burns down her school on prom night? Anyhow, it’s an old horror flick and this one is about a descendant of Carrie or something. Basically the same plot is integrated into this film too. The Romeo and Juliet story woven through a modern day setting with age old dramas of star-crossed lovers. This girl Rachel is the descendant of Carrie and she has the power or whatever…and this popular school jock guy falls in love with her…but naturally his peers give him a hard time about it because she’s ‘uncool’ and not ‘popular’ and such. Anyway, they get together and his friends set her up for a fall without his knowledge. The some ‘old stuff. The thing is; I saw the ending of this movie even before I saw the beginning. I guess the channel was running a horror film festival where they’re showing the same film over and over all night. So I caught the tail end of it and just got done watching the beginning. I didn’t want to see the end again because it was sad. The nice jock guy, who saw Rachel for who she really was, survives the great tragedy and Rachel herself dies. Then the film skips forward to show him a year later, dreaming of the day he’ll get to see her again. It showed the classic example of desperate Love. The kind of love we all long for so bad that sometimes we convince ourselves that we’ve found it already in mere infatuation. It’s a lesson that all church kids have grown up hearing. “Love can not be found at first sight…that’s infatuation.” Naturally love is something to be learned. But ‘desperate love’, I think that is something completely different. Desperate love is not something that is ‘learned’, but is something that is stirred by the Holy Spirit and then ‘affirmed’ as you grow closer and find that this is the person that you’ve been desperate for all your life.
I know for a fact that God has placed a desperate love in me. And I know for a fact I’m on the verge of seeing what He has in store for me over that horizon. However, I know that I will never be able to fall desperately in love with a man until I fall desperately in Love with God Himself.
I have been reading this amazing book called “Celebration of Discipline” by Richard J. Foster. The Lord has been speaking some amazing things to me this summer and he hasn’t stopped talking to me since the year has started either. I came across an interesting lesson concerning prayer which then led me to realize something very comforting. Foster mentioned in his book that when he was studying the prayers spoken by Jesus and His disciples in the Gospels, he noticed that not once did any of their prayers end with “If it be thy will.” He realized that they obviously believed that they knew what the will of God was before they prayed the prayer of faith. He said “they were so immersed in the milieu of the Holy Spirit that when they encountered a specific situation, they knew what should be done.” He goes on to say that “I saw that when praying for others there was evidently no room for indecisive, tentative, half-hoping, “If it be thy will” prayers.”
I mean naturally there is, of course, a proper time and place to pray, “If it be thy will.” Such as in the prayer of guidance it is the great yearning of our hearts to know the will of God. But as Foster said in this book, this sort of ‘searching prayer’ should permeate our entire life experience. And then in the prayer of relinquishment, we are committed to letting go of our will whenever it conflicts with the will and way of God. There is that time when you are in direct connection with God. It’s that time when you feel an incredible burden or erg to pray for someone out of the blue. I have felt that intense desire to pray for my future husband. Why would God place it on my heart to pray for my future husband and kids if He didn’t intend for me to have any? This was an incredible comfort to me that the Lord does have a plan to bless me with someone special like that.
“That is why it is so vitally important for us to be thrown in utter dependence upon God in these matters. We are seeking to think God’s thoughts after Him, to delight in His presence, to desire His truth and His way. And the more we live in this way, the more God utilizes our imagination for His good purposes.”
As I’ve become more in tune with God, I have begun to really understand why He made me the way I am. I understand why he gave me the incredibly over active imagination that I have. I understand why He has given me this incredible longing to sit and simply dwell on certain (and sometimes ridiculous) topics in which I dig myself into a hole with. Now that I’ve finished the chapter in Foster’s book concerning meditation, I realize that God has shown me certain things. Certain images, reflecting His will.
I firmly believe that the closer I get to God and the more that I learn to make my will the same as His will, the clearer I begin to see pictures of what He wants and desires for my life.
I have felt the call to meditation. The reason I get caught up in dwelling on certain things is because God is telling me to dwell on Him, to bring myself before Him and allow Him to draw me closer.
I received a confirmation of this idea the last time I went to GROUP on Wed. This was around the same time I posted that entry about seriously needing a hug. I now realize that what I was longing for was to be wrapped securely in the strong arms of God’s peace. I wanted to literally feel His warmth and comfort. The reason this desire was so powerful was because it had been festering inside me for so long. The reason it festered so long was because it was physically impossible to satisfy. I was not going to find that kind of intimacy with anyone on earth. No one can satisfy my desire for intimacy with the Father other than the Holy One Himself. That night the Lord answered my cry for peace and comfort. I fell to the floor and the voices of praise began to drowned themselves out and soon it was just me and the Lord; in silence; cut off from all the people around. (I’m not even sure if anyone saw me go down; I wasn’t really paying any attention.) I saw a vision of the Lord Jesus Christ standing out in front of me with His arms wide open and I quietly was broken. There was no grand scene and no public display of conviction. In fact, there wasn’t any conviction at all, simply comfort. The Lord satisfied a longing in my heart that cried out for peace. I felt ‘desperate’ for God and no one else and I still do. The Lord met me right where I was at. That night He satisfied my true desperate LOVE. I had been teetering on the verge of desperate love for so long and at that moment I had let go and fallen over the edge. I relaxed and let my imagination run away with the Holy Spirit. And by the grace of God, He caught me in His embrace. The great thing about a hug from God is that I know, from experience, that He’ll never let go. He utilized the gift He gave me, my imagination, to answer my prayer. I know right now that there is not one girl reading this who hasn’t experienced the “cut-off” hug. I know there’s probably a better name for it, but I can’t think of one right now. The “cut-off” hug is those hugs that you want to last longer. They are the ones that are cut short. You get a hug and you don’t want to let go. Well, let me tell you, God doesn’t give cut-off hugs. He gives forever hugs. And I know he will bless me with an answer to my desperate love, just as faithfully as He has answered my prayer for a desperate eternal love.
In the movie I was talking about in the beginning of this post. Rachel found the love she desperately sought in the nice jock guy, but she knew it wouldn’t last forever, so she chose to die rather with the knowledge of that love, rather than live with the risk of loosing it. The problem was, that desperate love; that comforting hug of peace was cut short. The desperate love that we all feel can only be satisfied eternally in the Father God. It is only when that love is found and embraced, that our desperate love on earth can be satisfied.
The “Stella” awards rank up there with the Darwin awards.
In 1994, a New Mexico jury awarded $ 2.9 million U.S. in damages to 81-year-old Stella Liebeck who suffered third-degree burns to her legs, groin and buttocks after spilling a cup of McDonald’s coffee on herself. This case inspired an annual award – The “Stella” Award – for the most frivolous lawsuit in the U.S.
The ones listed below are clear candidates. All these cases are verging on the outright ridiculous and yet with the right attorney you could win anything!
1. January 2000: Kathleen Robertson of Austin Texas was awarded $780,000 by a jury of her peers after breaking her ankle tripping over a toddler who was running inside a furniture store. The owners of the store were understandably surprised at the verdict, considering the misbehaving little so-and-so was her own son.
2. June 1998: A 19 year old Carl Truman of Los Angeles won $74,000 and medical expenses when his neighbor ran over his hand with a Honda Accord. Mr. Truman apparently didn’t notice there was someone at the wheel of the car, when he was trying to steal his neighbor’s hubcaps.
3. October 1998: A Terrence Dickson of Bristol,
Pennsylvania was leaving a house he had just finished robbing by way of the garage. He was not able to get the garage door to go up since the automatic door opener was malfunctioning. He couldn’t re-enter the house because the door connecting the house and garage locked when he pulled it shut. The family was on vacation. Mr. Dickson found himself locked in the garage for eight days. He subsisted on a case of Pepsi he found, and a large bag of dry dog food. He sued the homeowner’s insurance claiming the situation caused him undue mental anguish. The jury agreed to the tune of half a million dollars.
4. October 1999: Jerry Williams of Little Rock, Arkansas was awarded $14,500 and medical expenses after being bitten on the buttocks by his next door neighbour’s beagle. The beagle was on a chain in it’s owner’s fenced-in yard. The award was less than sought because the jury felt the dog might have been just a little provoked at the time by Mr. Williams who was shooting it repeatedly with a pellet gun.
5. May 2000: A Philadelphia restaurant was ordered to pay Amber Carson of Lancaster, Pennsylvania $113,500 after she slipped on a soft drink and broke her coccyx. The beverage was on the floor because Ms. Carson threw it at her boyfriend 30 seconds earlier during an argument.
6. December 1997: Kara Walton of Claymont, Delaware
successfully sued the owner of a night club in a neighboring city when she fell from the bathroom window to the floor and knocked out her two front teeth. This occurred while Ms. Walton was trying to sneak through the window in the ladies room to avoid paying the $3.50 cover charge. She was awarded $12,000 and dental expenses.
And the winner is:
Mr. Merv Grazinski of Oklahoma City. In November 2000, Mr. Grazinski purchased a brand new 32 foot Winnebago motor home. On his first trip home, having joined the freeway, he set the cruise control at 70 mph and calmly left the drivers seat to go into the back and make himself a cup of coffee. Not surprisingly the Winnie left the freeway, crashed and overturned. Mr Grazinski sued Winnebago for not advising him in the handbook that he couldn’t actually do this. He was awarded $1,750,000 plus a new Winnie. (Winniebago actually changed their handbooks on the back of this court case, just in case there are any other complete morons buying their vehicles.)
I just got out of my Intro to Interpersonal Communications class. In class we watched a video and discussed the differences in the ways that men and women communicate. A lot of the stuff they talked about was stuff I already knew. For example, when guys talk they generally don’t feel a need to make eye contact or be facing each other. These are generally important features in a woman’s conversation. Anyhow, after class I was walking to Weter, (which is where I normally go to use the computers so I don’t have to hike all the way back up to Ashton.) and as I was walking I was observing people and I started thinking about all the little things guys do that usually strike me as quite unattractive. I’m not sure that these things bother any other girls, but it certainly gets my goat (so to speak). Here’s a short list of examples:
1. The Duck Walk – This, for some reason, is the most annoying to me. I suggest watching the way guys walk if you’re not sure what I’m talking about. You’ll notice that certain guys walk with their toes pointing out and it looks ridiculous. I’ve also noticed that guys who walk with their feet straight tend to have better posture and look more confident. *this is just my opinion though*
2. Posture – In congunction with the “duck walk”, guys who have better posture generally look stronger (example – their shoulders look broader which is often a lovely feature). Also if they have good posture it’s usually a reflection of their athletic capacity. (athletes more often have good posture and noticable confidence).
3. Yawning – as I’m sure I’ve mentioned before, yawning in someone’s face while their talking is not just rude, IT’S GROSS! I don’t want to smell your stinky coffee breath! I don’t mind if they yawn while I’m talking – I won’t take that personally – just cover your mouth. It’s not too much to ask, is it?
4. The Limp – unless you are a ghetto homey or are actually suffering from injury, don’t try the limp. You just look like a fool. Especially if you’re sporting A&F and are carrying a shoulder bag from The Gap.
5. Wandering Eyes – Ladies, when you’re talking to a guy, it’s fair to assume that his gaze will not always be steady with yours. Things are going to catch his attention (especially if he’s watching the game on TV or if a buddy of his walks by), but a huge sign to look out for is his radar gaze. There is just something completely wrong about how a guy can have his full attention on you one minute and then you look up to see his gaze following some chick as she walks by. So rude! I understand that it’s instinct and sure it happens to the best of them, but let’s be honest here.
Well, now that I have those few examples out of my system…I hope those help those guys out there who are really trying to make a good impression. There are plenty more, but I think that’s good enough for now. Also, some of the above are just general manners and edicute. If you didn’t learn after having your mommy correct you, it’d probably be a good idea to start now.
So I figure I should do a quick update seeing as how all I’ve posted lately have been questionaires and quizzes and such. I guess I can be optimistic and assume that there are folks out there who want to know what I’m up to besides my wonderful grandma, hehe.
Right now I just got back from my pal Juahn’s place. He was nice and recorded CSI for me on Thursday because every Thursday night I have Falcon staff meeting at the same exact time as CSI. So I went and did some homework there and watched CSI. It was a great episode.
I’m obviously still working for the campus newspaper, The Falcon, and I’ve got a bunch of great stories running now. I’m currently working on one concerning the history of the 6th Ashton Orangemen. They’re sort of a cheering squad for the SPU basketball teams. So I’m pretty jazzed about that one.
I’ve been involved in volunteer work too, for a ministry outreach after school program for kids. I work with the Rainier Avenue Church branch of the program. But it’s actually a group, including Union Gospel Mission, KidREACH and Rainier Avenue. I just decided I wanted to go and do something on my own and not just because it was required or because my friends were doing it. The people are great and the kids are awesome. I really feel that God is going to do some great things through this after school club.
Tonight was the first meeting of the small group I’m leading for our floor. There are five other freshmen girls in my group and I pray that God will speak to them through our time together. I’m pretty excited to share my experiences and what I know with them. They are a great group of women and they all share the same background: born and raised in a Christian home with a loveing Christian family, grew up in the church, etc. I hope to make this accountability group something that will inspire growth and help draw them closer to God.
On Sunday nights I go to my friend Heather’s place and she leads a bunch of women in this amazing Bible study. We’re working from a book called “Her Name Is Woman”. I love the book! I’ve learned a lot from it already and our discussions when we meet are insightful.
I feel like God’s also been speaking to me through this book I’ve been reading called “Celebration of Discipline”. It’s an intense book about the inward and outward disciplines of the Christian faith. It’s a deep deep book. I highly recommend it to those who are looking to further and intensify their relationship with God.
I got a call today from my mom. It’s the first time I’ve talked to her since she and my dad dropped me off a few weeks ago. It was good to hear her voice. We were only able to talk for a while because she called me back on her cell phone and we just chatted while she was commuting to work. The Lord is doing some amazing things in the life of my family. I really truely praise Him for that. I’ve been praying a lot for my family. They are going to church regularly again and are also involved in their Sunday school class. My mom is sooooo excited about our new pastor! He sounds awesome from the examples she gave me. Apparently he’s been inspiring a lot of change for the better in our congregation. I was so happy to hear that.
Also she told me that my brother has been given a great opportunity and he’s in Memphis right now at a Six Sigma training meeting. Apparently that’s something only highly privilaged employees get to go to because it’s like a seal of gold on any resume. I was excited about that.
Well, now for the stuff everybody is probably really interested in, boys. Blah. I honestly haven’t been paying much attention to them beyond friendship level. But it’s college, that’s all anybody ever talks about around here, especially on a floor full of freshman. The SPU dating service is back up and running and everybody is pushing me to activate an account. I really don’t want to and honestly I don’t know that I have time. I mean, sure…I could ‘make’ time…but I don’t really want to meet a guy that way. I’d prefer he make the effort and show me that he’s really interested insted of bumping into me and taking an interest just because I’m there and it was convinient. So there, I said it. If I mean that much to you…take the time to get to know me! I’m sure plenty of girls would agree.
Well, I think that’s enough for now…I must go back to my black pit of dispare and study for a test tomorrow. Wish me luck!
“The woman was made of a rib out of the side of Adam; not made out of his head to rule over him, nor out of his feet to be trampled upon by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected, and near his heart to be beloved.”
-Matthew Henry
The survey all about you and what you want in a boyfriend/girlfriend
Race: mostly German and Hungarian
Nationality: American
Hair color: white blonde, with strawberry/ honey color underneath (if you wanna get technical)
Eye color: blue
Height: 5’8″
Build: ummm…tall? slender? (not quite sure what they mean by this)
Color: blue and maroon
Food: pasta
Place: home, beautiful places of nature! (forest, beach, etc.)
Store: Best Buy, Barnes and Noble, Bed Bath and Beyond, Abercrombie, Walmart, Target
Music: Rock, scores (soundtracks), classical, Christian
Activity: whatever is fun! hanging out with friends, playing tennis, hiking, etc.
Other?: I like, ummm, talking?
——All About Your quirks——
Your top two bad habits that you think your b/f or g/f would be irritated with: I can get antsy sometimes and restless. I guess being indecisive and occationally passive would also get annoying.
Your favorite part of relationships: having someone to be excited about, to hug whenever I want and to do stuff for. Also it’s fun to have someone to pick on, hehe. j/k
Favorite thing for a guy/girl to do for you: listen and care. Be thoughtful and trusting me
Favorite place to be kissed: back of the hand (so charming!) or lips (naturally)
Your top 5 interests: movies/theatre, music/art, reading/writing, traveling, my faith and having fun!
Your top 5 abilities/qualities (i.e. skateboarding, pianist, artist): Christian, writing, listening, insight, tennis, other stuff
——–Rate the following 0-10 (10 highest) according to how well/badly you achieve this quality——-
Honesty: 9 1/2! No one ALWAYS tells the truth.
Dependability: hmm 8
Humor: 9
Cheerfulness: 8
Emotional Stability: 10
Energy level: 6
Spirituality: 9
Ambition: 9
Motivation: 8
Knowledge of politics: 5
Knowledge of world news: 8
Quick to anger: 2
Instigator (of fights, etc): 1
Creativity: 9
Intelligence: 9
Maturity: 9
Individuality: 10
Conversationalist: 9
Spontaneity: 10
Ability to have fun: 10
Party animal: I’m not down with drugs/drinking/sex and whatnot so I guess I’m a 0
Gossiping: 4
Sloppiness: 3 (I’m only messy in my own space)
Drinker: 0
Smoker: 0
Druggie: 0
Porn addict: 0
Money Management: 7 (I’m working on it!)
Arrogance: 3
Promiscuousness: 0
Cling-factor: 1
These answers are based on what you want in the “perfect” boyfriend/girlfriend. Not necessarily who you are with now.
Race: any combination of white or mostly white.
Nationality: American
Hair color: brown (spiked with sideburns mmm 🙂 I’d have to agree with Loreanne!
Eye color: blue or green (ooh with long eyelashes) definitly
Height: taller than me! 5’8″+
Build: athletic, nicely toned preferably
—–Must Like—-
Food: meat, pasta, pizza, fruit and veggis (a balanced diet, hehe)
Place: uhm…wherever I am 🙂
Music: rock, and have knowledge of most other music
Activity: must have culture (theatre, intellect, etc.) He has to appreciate hanging out with me as well as his own friends and be active in his own life too! Actively seeking God.
Store: Walmart, book stores, music stores, grocery stores, Abercrombie (he has to know how to dress decently! hehe)
Other?: Literate, and have a sense of humor and be spontanious sometimes!
——–All about his/her quirks or what you will bring to the relationship——–
Top two bad habits he/she cannot have: smoking/drugs and drinking
Top 5 interests he/she must be into: music, books, conversations, movies, have a super strong faith in Christ and be able to entertain himself and others, etc.
What special thing you would do for/with him/her often: I’d always be there for him and support him in whatever he is passionate about. I’d suprise him with special things all the time like cook for him or leave him random notes of encouragement and such. I’d most certainly pray for him all the time too!
Favorite place to kiss him/her: cheek or lips
Top 5 abilities/qualities he/she must have (i.e. skateboarding, pianist, artist): Christian/supportive, motivated, healthy! integrous, thoughtful/loving
——–Rate the following 0-10 (10 highest) according to the importance you have on this quality in a boyfriend/girlfriend ——-
Honesty: 10
Dependability: 9
Humor: 10
Cheerfulness: 8
Emotional Stability: 10
Energy level: 7
Spirituality: 10
Ambition: 9
Motivation: 9
Knowledge of politics: 8
Knowledge of world news: 7
Quick to anger: 1
Instigator (of fights, etc): 1
Creativity: 10
Intelligence: 9
Maturity: 8
Individuality: 10
Conversationalist: 9
Spontaneity: 8
Ability to have fun: 10
Party animal: 1
Gossiping: 1
Sloppiness: 5
Drinker: 1
Smoker: 0
Druggie: 0
Porn addict: 0
Money Management: 8
Arrogance: 3
Promiscuousness: 0
Cling-factor: 1
Place/reason to meet: Through friends
Kissing place: parks, lakes, beaches, under the stars or clouds
Date movie: romantic comedy …oooor…KUNG-FU! hehe
Frequent dating place: a plaza, parks, resturaunts, anywhere romantic and fun
Way to be asked to be his/her significant other: “You mean a lot to me and I’d love more than anything if you would be my girl (angel)” or something to that extent. Something thoughtful and sincere.
Compliment he/she could give you: Something sincere and timely, that would fit the moment…like “I appreciate you soooo much!” or “You look [fill in the blank with flattering descriptive word] today.” You get the idea.
Place/reason to meet: in an alley?
Kissing place: in class
Date movie: gory movies.
Frequent dating place: cheap fast food place
Way to be asked to be his/her significant other: “Sooooo, you know I’m hot and I know you wanna get wit me, what do ya say?”
Compliment he/she could give you: “you look sooooo much better when you put on make-up and dress nice like that.”
Rate this survey 0-10: 10 weeeee