The first line in my book…
It is my belief that there is nothing more attractive to a real Christian man than a woman whose heart is unattainable – because she has already given it to God.
It is my belief that there is nothing more attractive to a real Christian man than a woman whose heart is unattainable – because she has already given it to God.
I’m sad to report that I haven’t been very healthy for myself. I had been really good about it until recently…you know, with eating and all. But the past few days I’ve just been forgetting to eat. Honestly, I just haven’t been very hungry. I’m thinking this could be a bad thing…so I forced myself to eat a little more today.
Anyhow, beyond that…life is good. I’m still struggling with a few very important decisions that I have to make soon. I’m not sure if I should try out this PA thing or if I should stick to working at the Falcon and possibly be the assistant news editor. Tough decision…really tough. I wish I could do both, but from what I’ve heard…it’s not such a good idea.
In other news…I’ve decided I’m going to write a book. It’s going to be a good one. I don’t think boys will like it very much…but girls will love it. It’s about ‘The Rules’ and how they apply to the Christian life. Well, it’s going to be something along those lines. I figure at the rate I’m going, the book will be finished by the time I’m 23 and nobody will notice it until after I’m dead. Then I can be famous…but ONLY after I’m dead. Sad…but probably true.
I’ve also decided I am going to do a comic strip for The Falcon. I think some sprinkles would be appropriate for our somewhat vanilla newspaper.
Which Sesame Street Muppet’s Dark Secret Are You?
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Grover on Ecstasy You’re funny, you’re loveable, you’re entertaining, you like to call yourself “Super Grover!”–You’re obviously on ecstasy. But that’s why we love you. Be careful, ok?
Wow! It’s been a while since my last ‘real’ substantial post. There are many new blessings to talk about. But I’ll keep it short and elaborate later. First of all, I just got done with the first official meeting of the new small group I started, “Single and Spectacular”. I’m soooo excited! It went wonderfully and I can’t wait to see the amazing things God is going to work through that group. The girls are really into it and I can see that we are all going to learn a lot from each other.
School is good…but I’m praying for more focus and vision for where God is guiding me. He has presented a myriad of decisions and prospects for my future concerning my career. So many job opportunities have popped up! I’ve been encountered with other choices as well that are not related to school. I pray that God will show His will to me in those situations too.
The moon was beautiful the other night and I had the most wonderful prayer time and catch up time with a friend under the stars. I praise God for that too.
Work at the Falcon has been rough lately, but I feel that I can pull through…I just need a great lead. haha. Happenings on the SPU campus have not been forthcoming. So I’m waiting for a big break. Hopefully I will find myself in the right place at the right time eventually…I think it’s a knack I have yet to acquire. If anybody knows anything…please fill me in! My current article is about the Endowment fund and the Campaign that’s been going on. So yea, let me know if you have any thoughts, opinions or just commentary.
That’s about it for now folks!
Session Start (AIM – PoluOwau:ManhunterFrmMars): Fri Jan 17 13:59:27 2003
ManhunterFrmMars: me: “has she had a boyfriend before?”
jared: “sort of… but she’s never had a boyfriend like i will be.”
*** Auto-response sent to ManhunterFrmMars: in class
Ok, yea, dilema…I don’t know what to do! He asked me last night if I would be his girl. I told him that I really really needed to pray about it and I asked him if he could give me a few days.
Today I came back from class and his roommate had sent me the message you see above. I think I need a cold shower and a nap. I will give all the details to the situation soon.
What Sort of Romantic Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You’re a Romantic Hero. Your instinct is to help those you care about, and usually that’s a good thing! Sometimes, though, you might find yourself being a little posessive or overprotective.
This is like the third time I’ve typed this…the computers in Weter are NOT user-friendly…beware.
Well, with that said…today was a constructive day and the Lord is good. I’m leading another small group which I’m totally excited about. God has been laying this on my heart for a while and just the other day I found out that my Roommate has been feeling a similar calling. Both of us felt led to start relationship small groups. However, because my Roommate is in a relationship…she has been more focused on guiding the girls who are also involved in relationships of that nature. I, on the otherhand, am not in a relationship and have a focus leaning more towards growing closer to God and preparing yourself before entering a relationship. So I can’t wait to see where God takes us. I believe He is going to work through us and make great things happen.
If you have some time, I recommend watching this. It’s something I think we’ve all known about, but have somewhat ignored. Let me know what your thoughts are.
This is an email that I got from a friend. I thought it was interesting…see what you think.
One problem I had with it was that technically, I could have scored anywhere from 40-45 because my answers for questions 8 and 9 varied…but oh well. Please post a comment with your score and/or commentary!