Should be sleeping…

I always get so much done when I have something to avoid. Somehow, I can always justify putting all my energy into one project when I don’t want to do what I should be doing. Does that make sense? Hmmm…well, it sounded good in my head.

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Seriously…this is weird…

Seriously, my roommate and I were discussing this earlier today and we’ve both come to the conclusion that I must be giving off some sort of pheromones or something because boys have been swarming lately!
Here’s a brief overview of my schedule this week:
Monday: coffee with Sean
Tuesday: study time with Matt
Wed: Real DATE (he said it, not me) with Sean. Consisting of dinner and a movie. He’s picking me up at 6.
Thurs: study time with Kyle – coffee afterward.
Fri: study for final with Matt, then go to Olympia for outdoor ice skating then Christmas shopping and dinner. Perhaps a movie if time allows.
Sat: Dinner and a play (I can’t remember the name) with Patrick.

*This doesn’t even include the plans that are still in the works! Luke called today and wondered when we could hang out. Josh called me the other day and then made a follow up call today. Fish Mike dropped by and we talked for like an hour and a half until Matt stopped by to study for UFDN. We ended up talking for a while after we stopped studying because I needed to kick him out so I could sleep. As we were standing by the door and he was running dates by me to see if I was free, he kept looking at my eyes and it kinda made me feel awkward. So I said “K, bye I’ll see you in class tomorrow!” and started shoving him out the door before anything stupid could happen. Also, Sarah (my roommate) told me that her Aunt Angie called to tell her that she had been talking to her (apparently gorgeous) son (who is studying pre-med and pre-law (or something outrageous like that) at a University in Arizona) about me. She said that Angie gave him my info so he could email me and get to know me! AHHHH!
So that’s just the skinny of it. There have been several other instances just since I got back from Thanksgiving break. And I’ve had to turn down several offers to hang out because I’m trying desperately to be responsible and study for finals so I’m not freaking out by Thurs. Time is going way too fast. LORD help me.

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So many gifts to buy…so little money

My cousin rocks. I’m so thankful I’ve been able to hang out with him today. You know what else? Today was beautiful! Even though my cuz got pulled over for the fourth time this week because his truck is all souped up and the cops like to give him tickets (not the moving violation ones, just the kid like “Hey son, you can’t have blue tail lights” or “I’m gonna have to site you for these windows…can’t have tinted windows in the front…” or “Just so you know…your truck needs to be at least 12 inches from the ground to the bottom of your license plate. You’re three inches short.”
But my cousin Chris is a trooper. He just smiles, shows him the tickets he’s already gotten three days ago and gets off with a warning on his lights and a ticket for the windows. His truck is crazy. I wish I had the ‘auto-lingo’ to describe it right. But anyway…I’m proud of him. He’s graduating early and already has been offered an intership for Boeing and a position with the fire dept. Crazy, he needs prayer for the guidance to know which way to go.

K, now for an update on my life…well, a really brief update anyway…

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Psalm 75:1

“We give thanks to You, O God,
we give thanks, for Your Name is near;
men tell of Your wonderful deeds.”

***Today let us speak of and give thanks for all that the LORD God has done for us.

Have a wonderful (and wonderfully filling) Thanksgiving!!!

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I love it when guys smell good. I can’t explain why right now…but that’s what it comes down to. It’s good for a guy to smell good. The end.

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Someday I will do the things I should when I need to, because I have to. And some day I will do the things I want to do when I want to do them, because I can ignore the reasons not to.
In other words…someday I will learn to listen to my heart. But I guess tonight just wasn’t the night. I’m still deaf.

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3 down, 2 to go

So I’ve finished and done away with three of five huge papers I have due before tomorrow. Now I have two left…LORD help me.

Tomorrow I fly almost home…I don’t actually get to go home, I just get to go to California. I’m going to have Thanksgiving at my relatives’ new home in Southern California.
So this is sad for the following reasons:
-No seeing Loreanne
-No seeing my boys (a.k.a. -my kitty cats)
-No seeing boys (a.k.a. -actual guy friends)
-No sleeping in my own bed (which is way bigger than the frail squeeky slab I sleep on now)

Yea there is a lot of other things I can’t think of right now…but I will miss them too. *sigh* Now I must go write this retarded paper. Goodnight.

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The Begining of my narrative assignment for Imaginative Writing

Liame’s black lip curled under his snout as a low rumble rolled through his exposed fangs. The tall shadow froze in his tracks, crow-bar still gripped in his gloved hands.
Liame’s deep yellow stare narrowed. Holding eye contact with the leader of this intrusion, his muscles tightened beneath his fur. He waited for the enemy to make the first move. He could hear his wife’s labored panting echo from the family room behind him. Not one of these men will live to lay a hand on her, he swore.
Wooden floor boards creaked as two more dark coats crawled through the shattered front window of his house. The second stopped half-way through, his right leg still dangling outside. He was fat.
“You didn’t tell me he had a huge dog!” puffed the fat man in a loud whisper, as if Liame couldn’t hear him.
“That’s not a dog. That’s a wolf,” corrected the frozen crowbar man, “that’s him. That’s the monster…the beast we are here to send back to hell.” Shaking, he blinked as perspiration gathered around his eyes and dripped from his brow.
Silver-tipped fur spiked on his back. Liame snarled louder and bayed a warning.
The full moon’s glow reflected on the dust in the air as the shadows began a careful advance as though approaching a rattler. They started to raise their weapons, a hammer, a shot gun and a crowbar. An arm went up and they paused. “You hear that?”
Liame smiled to himself as he felt the presence of his brothers behind him.
The click of claws against the cold wood floors ticked like an ominous clock.
No man would pass through this hallway. Not past him, not past his brothers and most certainly not to his wife giving birth in the next room.

***Critiques? Comments? Anyone? Please?

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Tonight after my UCOR class I went and saw “The Curious Savage”. It was great, I’d recommend anybody who is within the vacinity of SPU to go see it. It’s funny, thoughtful and moving. A great performance!

Well, right now I’m working on having a tortured soul, so I can write well for my imaginative writting class. Having a tortured soul is not as easy as I thought. I keep laughing and being happy. Shoot…I might have to go to extremes soon. I might have to like….go and fall in love or something and then have something tragic happen that inevitably splits us apart. Hmmm, which means I’ll have to fall in love with a “playa” or some kind of scummy jerk. Geez, this whole being a poet thing is hard work.

Speaking of tortured souls…where’s Kenny?

(just kidding Kenny, I love you!)

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