A fun-size co-pilot

Every day I drive in the midst of true inspiration. Eight-legged and unceasingly determined, Webster is a Pop Rock-sized spider that lives in the passenger side mirror of my Explorer Sport. The small, thrill-seeking spider has lived in my side-view mirror for about 4 and half years. He resembles an unground grain of pepper and adds that much more flavor to my daily commute.
As far as I can remember, the first time I met Webster was when I was a senior in high school. He came into my life with a screaming introduction. I was giving one of my friends a ride home from tennis practice. With her racket under one arm and her books in the other, she was reaching for the handle of the passenger door when Webster greeted her with a smile. (I’m not really sure what a smiling spider looks like…but I’m pretty sure he is the poster spider of smiling arachnids). Unfortunately for Webster, his warmth was not received well. She screamed like little Miss Muffit and took him down with a thick copy of Biology Today.
That day, I’d thought, was the last I’d see Webster. But to my surprise, the next morning there he was. Chilling in the sun on a dewdrop covered web stretching in its usual spot between the mirror and the passenger window. From that point on, I figured any spider that could take a beating like that can chill on the side of my car any day.
Ever since then, through rain storm and snow, through rolled down windows and startled screams, flying text books and gale force freeway winds; Webster has endured the worst only to greet me with a shiny new web and a big spidery smile the next morning.
Time and again I have advised Webster on better locations for his web. Perhaps stretching from the antenna to the mirror…or maybe even on the underside of the car. Wouldn’t almost any location be more fit for living that right in the path of inevitable destruction? Seriously, every time the window is rolled down, or an un-“spider friendly” friend is given a ride…his home is in danger. But, for some strange reason he seems to like it there best.
Today as I drove back from church I looked over to see Webster, the littlest Road Warrior, flapping happily outside my window, surfing the wind on an almost invisible thread. My pastor this morning talked about love, resilience and purpose and as I watched Webster take on the summer driving winds with joy, I realized that this little guy was a perfect example of what my pastor was talking about. He knew his purpose and he had (what appeared to me to be) unshakable joy. No matter who rolled down the window and destroyed his web, or greeted him with a Biology Today text, he bounced back the next morning, good as new and ready for another drive.
Why would a spider want to live on the side of a sport utility vehicle? Your guess is as good as mine. I can only assume that he shares my need for speed or perhaps my dirty vehicle attracts a nice assortment of death-wishing flies and an occasional pea-sized moth. Whatever the case, I’ve grown fond of Webster and I find his persistence and determination to be a daily inspiration.
Although, many of my friends think his webbing to a sign of poor car care on my part…I like to think of it as adding character. A sign of compassion for God’s creatures…great and small. So next time I give you a ride and you reach for the handle…be sure to give Webster the courtesy of a hello. And please, apologize after you thrash his web.

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This is so awesome

My best friend has been seeing this really cool guy. I don’t believe I’ve ever met a guy who would do so much for his girl. I’ve always prayed for my best friend…that she would be blessed by an amazing man of God.
The other day, my best friend showed me this email that her boyfriend sent her. This proves to me, that God answers prayer. (Not that I ever doubted Him, but you know…it’s always cool to see it happen).


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Awh, this is so sad! It’s not going to be the same without her!

***This is an email that one of my Bible study girls sent back to me when she got my invitation to the Annual Girl’s Camping Retreat. *sniffle* I’m gonna miss not having her there!

hey, Sarah, its rachel. ummm… ok, i really wanted to come to this and i just checked the calender and i cant go because we have a soccer tournament on the 13th and 14th.i am soooooooo mad, cause i couldnt go to the last sleepover that you had. dont cry! i no everyone there will miss me talking in my sleep, but please, dont cry! dont let everybody know that you miss me sooooooooooo much… dont let me spoil your weekend of super duper fun just because i am not there.
JK!!!!! just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway… bye… thanks for inviting me, though…

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Girl’s Night Out

My friend Emily took me out last night as a belated birthday present. It was so nice! We went to see “Little Black Book”, that was super cute and I really liked the way it ended (don’t worry, I won’t give it away.)
After the movie she took me to Little Italy and we went to The Steps of Rome, a really cute Italian restaurant. They gave me free tera mesu (sp?) with a candle in it. It was sweet. Before we knew it, it was already 11 pm! I didn’t want the night to end, but alas…I had work in the morning.
I really hope we get to hang out again soon. I miss that girl so much!

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Belated birthday wish

You know what’s so silly? I can never think of anything to say when people ask me what I want for my birthday. But almost a month later I can think of at least two things. What’s the deal!

Anyway, I found the CD I’ve been looking for…since last month! Snow Patrol, “The Last Straw”. I love that song Run. And I’ve listened to one other song and it’s pretty good. Check it out!


And I’ve become a pretty big Yellowcard fan. I like the violine in there songs. It gives it an extra something.

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A talk

It’s interesting how people learn things at different times. I look back on the days I had with Jared and realize (once again) that everything is in God’s timing.
A reason I said no to Jared when he asked me if we could date was because I asked myself a question my parents always taught me to ask when considering a guy. “Would he fight for you?” If a guy doesn’t seem like he’d be willing to fight for you, then he’s not the right one.
When I was talking to Jared on Sunday (for the first time in almost a year), he was telling me about the girl he was seeing. He told me he loved her and that he was thankful that we didn’t try to make anything work between us before. He and Mindy are both in the service and for all Jared knows, he might not see her again for another 4-8 years. But he said he didn’t care because God has reassured him that she’s the one and she’s worth fighting for.
That’s when it clicked, and a feeling of peace in the decision I made so long ago came over me. I’d said no to him because I knew he hadn’t fought for me. But this girl, Mindy, was the one God had in store for him. And now that he knew that…he had found the girl he was willing to fight for.
I’m confident that someday, the Lord will bring into my life, the man that will have enough confidence and strength and passion to fight for me. And Lord knows, I will fight for him.

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Pretty cool

LJ friend stats
LJ Username
LJ friend who likes you the most nertles
LJ friend who wants to meet you harmony_joy
LJ friend who has a crush on you elliol
LJ friend who looks up to you propheceye
LJ friend who you should get to know better propheceye
Percentage of LJ friends who actually read your entries – 57%

This QuickKwiz by waywardpixie – Taken 156144 Times.

New – How do you get a guy to like you?

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Have you ever met someone who didn’t know how to direct his/her anger? I’m learning the hard way that there are many people around me that have displayed this problem.
For example, someone called today to see about a check they were expecting in the mail that had not yet come. When I asked the person who was issuing the payment, they blew up and just yelled at me, “How could they have not received the check!? I swear, some people are so stupid….etc.” Questioning me with an accusatory tone, I sat there confused…but yet in a very familiar position. I could do nothing but sit quietly as they stalked out the door.
Not more than 5 minutes had passed before this angry person stormed back in the door, demanding the keys to my car. Since they did not volunteer a reason for confiscating my car, I asked nicely where they were going. “To the city,” they said sharply. I asked again for more specifics, knowing that others would be questioning me later as to their whereabouts. Glaring at me as if to say “How dare you ask! I don’t have to tell you anything,” I explained why I needed to know (as if the fact that they were taking my car wasn’t enough).
This was the least of the situation. But I think it’s a decent example of the kind of person I’m talking about. The kind of person that gets angry and then makes a mission out of finding a person to blame, so as to avoid acknowledging that the only person warranting blame is themselves.
I think an unspoken part of my job as a receptionist is to absorb all the anger thrown my way. To just sit and take it so that it’s not thrown at the wrong person (someone who would not let it slide so easily). I’ve seen what happens when that kind of anger is pitched at the wrong person…two people were recently fired as a result.
I sat and thought a while about what I do when I am rubbed the wrong way…then I realized that this…right now…this is what I do. I write out my frustrations…I let out my anger on paper…abuse it with words, rather than abusing the people around me. I suppose that’s the way God planned it…he made some people to be accusers and some people to be absorbers. In the long run…I wonder who really got the short end of the stick.

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Just Thoughts

I just finished pulling together all the arrangements for the Girls Camping Trip! Yay! I can’t wait. It’s this next weekend. Reservations have been made!
The bummer is that just as I was putting the last few postage marks on the fliers I was mailing out…the postlady came and went! She’s sooo sneaky! I was hurrying to get all the letters ready so they could be mailed today, but she beat me! grrrr…now I have to wait until tomorrow to mail them! Oh well. At least they’ll get out ALMOST a week in advance. *sigh*

Tennis was great last night. I only wish we could’ve played longer. We’ll have to do it again soon.

I’ve been flooded with work this morning (which is kind of unusual) and time has gone by so fast! People are already leaving for lunch and I just got my morning tea!

I can’t wait to give her her presents. he-he. I know everyone is probably giving her clothes…so I got her something WAY hecka cooler.

Question of the day: How do you whisper in sign language?

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Traffic court is it’s own punishment

So, I got this outrageous traffic ticket last month. $364 for bail or $370 plus traffic school. You wanna know what I did wrong? A hollywood stop. For those of you who are not familiar with the term, allow me to explain. A hollywood stop (also known as a California stop) is when you either slow to such a speed that a person can jump out, tuck, roll and not be injured or that you can look both ways and proceed with caution. The thing is; it is a stop…but it’s not the kind of stop the cops like; which is when you roll back a little once you hit the brake. Anyhow, I came to a stop at a red light (but not the roll-back kind of stop) and I made a right hand turn (with a signal and everything)…which is perfectly legal at that intersection. Anyhow…I got pulled over by a sheriff and was issued a ticket. I was strong…I didn’t cry and I didn’t cash in on the “I’m an innocent young girl and I won’t ever do it again!*sob*” discount.

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