Spider Colonies

I’m still battling the spider colonization of my cottage. It’s a bit complicated because I’m never really home enough to do anything about it, I’m just home long enough for them to get their fill of my flesh. They enjoy biting me most in my sleep when I am not able to defend myself…the cowards! Because of this, I’m adding a new discipline to my list of “Disciplines for a Healthy Home and Spirit.” The new priority is to spray Garden scent Raid generously to all nooks and cranies before leaving for work or play. I’m hoping this practice will rid me of any unwanted neighbors.

Today was a really good day. I learned a lot about myself and my relationships. In short, my focus has wavered and a few of my relationships have suffered a bit. But the good news is, I am aware of this faltering and I’m working toward fixing it. Hooray for wise elders and the convictions that come with their words. (I know that you all know exactly what I’m talking about.)

I went to church with Kyle this morning and the message was good. It was about dating. His mother swears she didn’t plan it like that, but I can’t deny that I’m a bit suspicious. 🙂 We went out to lunch with some friends after and I got back just in time to get ready for my small group women from Bethany Community Church to come over for dinner. It was so great to see them again! Our prayer time was fantastic and much needed for all of us.
I’m feeling that longing in my heart again to re-establish the consistant fellowship that I had during the school year. It’s going to be a bit more challenging now that I’m not on a regular schedule like when I had classes. But I know this is something I really need, so I’m willing to work for it.

I also just finished listening to a really great sermon online at Bethany Community Church’s website. I recommend everyone listen to it. It’s the message given on July 17th called “Sexless in Seattle.” The guy makes some fantastic points about things everyone needs for any relationship they’re in, family, friend, significant other or anyone. Two thumbs up.

Work has been going well. I’ve mapped out my schedule a bit more and carved a few things in stone. I feel a greater confidence in my direction now and I think that’s going to help me a lot in the coming months. A few of the residents have been hesitant to schedule interviews with me because they’ve already been heckled by the mayor and his camera crew. So it’s going to take a bit more shmoozing and persuading to wiggle my way into their arena of trust.
Meeting with the few that are willing to talk has been so awesome! I feel like I’m learning a lot, but I’m also slightly intimidated by the amount of information I have to process. It’s going to take a lot of fish crackers, tea and quiet space to sort everything out into an interesting book that people will actually want to read. (I’m more than aware that not everyone finds the same things facinating that I do.)

The day before yesterday I got to meet up with Sarah W. and Adam (for those of you who don’t know, that’s my roommate of three years and her fiance.) They were in town for an interview that Adam had with a company he’s interested in working for. It turns out Sarah won’t be moving to Kirkland next week like she had planned, but that they’re holding off a while until they have more solid jobs lined up. It was so good to see her. We met up at Kell’s Pub near Pike’s Place and Post Ally. We saw this really cool band play and enjoyed good conversation. She also gave me a belated b-day present. It was a red t-shirt that said “I don’t know kung fu, but I know Crazy!” on the front. I love it!
The next day Kyle took me to Snoqualmy (sp?) Falls for a hike and a picnic. It turns out the place is a lot more touristy than he remembered, but we still had fun and managed to find an out-of-the-way place to have our picnic. Also, Kyle’s car broke that morning and we got a little bit of a late start, so I think the crowds had already started growing by the time we got there. But it was fun to watch the people and their families. People watching is always fun entertainment. We noticed a lot of people our age hauling rafts and pool floaties down to the river to float and drink beer (or cartons of Diet Pepsi as the case may be.) We also found it interesting how many different cultures gather at the Falls. We had to have heard at least five different languages as we walked back up the trail. Pretty cool.
I think my favorite time of the whole day was the picnic (when we just laid down in the shade and relaxed. Kyle enjoyed a nap and I squeezed in a few more chapters of the book one of the residents lent me (Kite Runner, it’s good, check it out.) My next favorite part was the drive. I love driving with the windows down, my feet up on the dashboard and surfing my hand on the warm summer wind. Good music doesn’t hurt either. It’s priceless.

So that’s all I can think of right now. Oh, Andrea, I can’t wait to see you in September! I miss you and I’m so glad you’re visiting!

Also, ATTENTION WRITERS, send me a message if you want to gather for a writing group this week or next week. I’d like to know so I can budget for food. Thanks!

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Big Update

Loreanne’s wedding was wonderful. I don’t think I’ve had that much fun at a wedding since my brother and Heather were married. Loreanne’s wedding was a first in other ways too. I’ve never cried at a wedding before and I used to think it was silly that anyone would…but now I’ve been enlightened and I won’t laugh at anyone for tearing up ever again.
The hardest part was when I ended up making a surprise toast. Two ladies from the “Council of Eight” told me they thought I should make a special dedication out of the wedding present I drew for Loreanne and Jesse. They were right, it was a much better gift once I was able to explain what made it so much more than just a drawing. It was during the dedication that I broke down. I was doing so good too!

So now I’m back in Washington. I miss all my California friends. Kenny I’m bummed that we never got to hang out. Jamie, it was so wonderful to see you, but now I miss you more! Andrea, I’m so glad we were able to spend so much time together and I’m really happy that I finally got to meet Tobian. He really is a sweetheart.
My time at home was also enhanced by the fun I was able to have with my family. I know they were probably putting on happy masks while I was home and just acting like everything was peachy, but I still enjoyed it. It was as though their mask was a reality and I bought into it. Even if things were crazy beneath the surface, it was nice to pretend for a while.

Coming back to Washington, I felt like I was letting out a breath I had been holding for more than a week. Yesterday morning I woke up to a tiny knocking on my door. Lenora was pulling on the door handle and knocking because she wanted to show me her “pinata” (a red checkered picnic table clothe that she had wrapped around her like a toga.) She kept saying, “My sister and I have to wear these pinatas because we were cold this morning. You have to keep wrapping them around you though.” And she would pick up the end of the clothe and throw it over her shoulder like a movie star adjusting the fur shall drapping her shoulders. It was so cute. Then, as I was leaving for work she ran over to the edge of the lawn and said “Hello!” then she proceeded to tell me all about her search for a particular flower called “suckles.” Which actually turned out to be a California Golden Poppy. She gave me one to take with me to work.

A police car followed me to work this morning. It was the same officer that pulled me over earlier this month because my license plate tags had expired. As I was getting out of my car he pulled up and walked over to me with a big smile, “Hey, remember me?” To be honest I didn’t remember him in particular. But I did remember when he and his partner let me off last time. Now that I got a good look at him, I was slightly intimidated. He looked to be about my age and is really tall, probably 6’6. He’s pretty built and I couldn’t help but wonder why he was working a patrol for a few small towns instead of getting his hands into the big city action. I think maybe he’s from an upper class family and mommy and daddy didn’t want their baby working in the dangerous parts of town. Anyways, he went on to say, “I see you bought your new tags so they’re not expired anymore.” That surprised me because I distinctly remember asking my parents for my new tags and having them tell me they didn’t know where they were. So I immidiately thought my dad had found them and put them on while I was busy with something else. But no. The officer had taken the liberty of running my plates through the system again. How kind. Then he changed the subject and asked me how everything was going at work. We had a nice conversation and I was very thankful to the Lord that I have a firmly established, working relationship with the local law enforcement. I’m sure it will come in handy as I will admit, I am prone to speed occationally.

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Crazy weekend

My weekends are generally crazy, but this one takes the cake so far.
Kyle and I have been having a lot of fun running around, getting ready for Loreanne’s wedding. He’s been so patient with me. Being a bride’s maid and also having a lot of friends in town that I haven’t seen for a while makes for a very busy vacation.
He’s also put up with my insane family and all the anxiety that might come from that. In short, we’ve covered a lot of ground but we still have more to do. I’m so excited for the wedding! I still can’t believe my best friend is getting married!
Today we’re driving around and hitting up photo spots so he can expand his collection. Should be fun!

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How evil are you?

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I am 35% Hippie.
Wanna Be Hippie!

I need to step away from the tie-dye. I smell too good to be a hippie and my dad is probably a cop. Being a hippie is not a fashion craze, man. It was a way of life, in the 60’s, man.

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Extensive post, be warned. History

Here are a few snippets of what I’ve written so far for the book on the history of Hunts Point.

“Hunts Point started in the 1800’s with three bachelors, an attorney, an architect and an insurance guy. Originally from Seattle, the men built their homes for Sunday picnics and summer retreats.”

This of course excludes the indians and their crops which weren’t actually on Hunts Point, but were really close. That’s why I feel I can get away with starting with the bachelors (which, let’s be honest, are far more interesting).


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Check this out…

True or hoax? What do you think?


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Back together

Kyle and I are back together. We decided to give it another shot and see where God takes it.
It’s kind of weird but I’m excited!

He’s in Arizona with family right now. It was a bummer to be apart on our first day back together. But it’s also nice to have the time apart to process how things have been going since seeing each other again.

The Mayor’s meeting is in an hour. That’s when all the important people of the town gather with the mayor to assess my progress and hopefully give me more direction.

This weekend was great. I judged the pet show and got to know a lot of people. It was even better when I got to see them at the parade yesterday. I had so much fun. I hung out with Yon and Pricilla and they showed me around, got me a hot dog, strawberry shortcake and beverage. After the parade I went home and got ready for the bbq with the SPU theater crew. That was a lot of fun and then we went over to Yon and Pricilla’s place for a spectacular fireworks show. Yay!

The next event I have to look forward is Cassie’s L movie night. Woo hoo!

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Hmmm…not so sure about this one


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War of the Worlds

I saw “War of the Worlds” last night with Abe. It was pretty good. Typical Spielberg film (crazy-cool graphics, decent dialogue and a happy ending). The action and suspense were well done too.

I get my first pay check soon. Yippi!
My boss is supposed to get back from a trip today. I’m nervous, but I’m also anxious to talk with him in person and work out some details. I’ve been working pretty hard all week so I would have something to show him when he gets back to let him know he hired the right girl for the job. I feel like there is some serious sub-culture in this community and a history far richer (literally) than what’s been recorded already. I’m a bit afraid of digging too far. The people in this community are very powerful and somehow I have a nack for unearthing skeletons…(just ask SPU administration). I’ve already found some interesting bones that I’ve been advised to overlook. Perhaps, for now, it would be best for me to just keep a journal of the questionable info I dig up.
I think next week I’ll make a trip to the local library and learn more about the founders. What I’ve learned so far about the founder Leigh S. J. Hunt, is pretty cool. He was the owner of the Seattle Times. A journalist! Imagine that. 🙂

My quiet time last night was pretty awesome. I have a feeling God is going to bust out some moves real soon. It just seems like the timing is good for something to happen simply because I feel like I have so many decisions in the air right now. I dunno, we’ll see what happens.

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