This weekend I went to Treasure Island with Kyle’s family. It’s so beautiful over there and I’ve been needing the vacation (of course I only admit this is hindsight). We played cards, lounged in the sun, went canoing in the moon light and had devotions together over breakfast every morning. It was two days of pure, unspoiled heaven.
To top off the weekend, after church yesterday, we went to the Dave Matthews concert at the Gorge and enjoyed prime seats.
***Side note: Is it just me or is it incredibly rude to feed a chain smoking habit in the middle of a concert? And lets be honest…pot smoke is the grossest smell in the world. Leave it at home!
The concert was totally awesome and it’s funny and worth mentioning that one of the women working in the office with me had tickets to the same show but couldn’t make it. She has two boys about my age and has seen Dave at the Gorge before. She was going on and on about how wonderful the show is. ha-ha. It’s pretty cool how the Dave Matthews Band attracts such a broad fan base.
In continuing with this trend of fun, tonight is the Firefly marathon part 2! It’s so nice having things like this to look forward to. Praise the Lord!
P.S. Zach, I look forward to getting that cup of coffee with you too!
P.S.S. Loreanne, keep your eyes on the mail, your birthday present should be arriving soon!