Grace and Peace

Yesterday I had some amazing quality time with my friend Grace. She’s the cutest, sweetest, funnest French girl I’ve ever met. Anyhow, we spent like 2 hours just talking at Starbucks. It was great. Then we went and had dinner in Gwinn. I’m really excited to be making more close friends. She’s part of my small group and she goes to the same church I do. We’ve decided to become closer accountability partners, so hopefully we’ll be meeting together not only on Sundays but also on Thursdays. I’m excited for that.
We both came to a conclusion after our meeting. I’m going to start fasting next week. But it’s not like fasting from food. And it’s not like my music fast. It’s a bit more difficult than that. I can’t reveal what it is I’m fasting from, because that would debunk the whole point of it. Anyhow, this post is sort of serving as a warning. If I’m acting weird…it’s probably not you…it’s the fast.
LORD, this is going to be hard. Help me.

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