I’m deciding not to decide

It’s interesting how everyone feels the need to ‘help’ you make decisions. It’s come down to two guys in my parents’ eyes. Brad and Jared. They are rooting for Brad…I think my brother is rooting for him too. Honestly, I don’t know! I’m fond of them both. My brother was asking me all sorts of […]

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What Planet Are You From? this quiz was made by The Autist Formerly Known As Tim

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What to say…what to say…

Wow, it’s been a while since my last post. So much stuff has been going on. I’m home for Spring Break and it’s nice to sort of just chill for a while. It’s even better to get back into working out so I can tone up for Spring quarter. I’m in the office right now, […]

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Well, today it was wonderful and sunny. But according to the news, it looks like there will be war tomorrow. Even if you don’t believe in God…just pray.

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So yea, on my way to work today I stopped by my mail stop to pick up my mail and lone behold..there is the envelope from Res Life…I knew right away what is was going to tell me. I really didn’t expect to get the job, but you know…it was fun trying. Everybody else was […]

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