Learning…always learning…yet still so very confused.

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Shhh…let it be our little secret

So, today has had a rough start and I’m bracing myself because I know it’s gonna get worse. I was up late last night…until about 4 or 4:30 a.m. (I curse my lack of self-discipline!) I got my homework done for today but my main stresser has been these last two articles for the newspaper.
This is where it starts to go downhill…I woke up this morning to the phone ringing…it was my editor…and it was 11:30 a.m. Why is this bad? Chapel this morning was at 9 a.m. (I really wanted to go to that). Also, my class that I had stayed up late finishing homework for…was at 10:30. This will be the third time in a row that I have missed the bulk of that class for one reason or another.
But that is not the end of it. I frantically call my boss and ask if I can skip work today. She said she’d call and see if she can find someone else to replace me…but otherwise, she still needs me to come in. Blast.
Here’s where that leaves me: Two huge (unfinished) articles…already past deadline…still have to be at work in a few minutes. I work until 6…then I have to go straight to the office after work and grinde away at these until the wee hours again. Plus, I still have a few more huge papers due…and for some amazing reason I seem to be in a constant state of confusion. This can’t be healthy. *sniffle* I wanna go home!

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Just as CSI: Miami’s Horatio Caine and company got their introduction on CSI: Crime Scene Investigations, the cast of CSI: New York will be making their initial appearance on Miami.

Zap2It reported that the CSI: New York team would be introduced in a CSI: Miami episode in May. The cast of CSI: Miami were debuted in a similar way, in the CSI episode “Cross-Jurisdictions”. In that episode, Catherine and Warrick traveled to Miami to work on a high-profile case with top Miami detective Horatio Caine. The plot details for the Miami/New York crossover are not known at this time.

CBS President Les Moonves revealed the other three cities that were considered alongside New York. Chicago, San Francisco, and New Orleans were considered as well, with New Orleans and New York emerging to become the top two competitors.

However, Moonves explained that the choice was clear early on. “We talked about New Orleans, we talked about San Francisco, we talked about Chicago…but New York became the front-runner fairly early,” Moonves said.

The network and production companies are currently trying to decide whether CSI: New York will be filmed primarly in New York City itself, or in Los Angeles, like CSI and CSI: Miami are. Moonves noted that New York officials are eager to have the show filmed in the city, and he said they have been “bending over backwards” to pursuade CBS executives to consider filming in the Big Apple.

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Brace yourself…my friends…the countdown has begun.

9 days until I’m home!!!!

In other news…I just got back a few minutes ago from taking my astronomy test…My head is still swirling…LORD it’s in your hands now.

Today is beautiful.

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I swear the SPU rent-a-cops are following me!!!!!! This is the second ticket I’ve gotten in two days! And seriously, I wasn’t away from my car for more than 2 minutes! In both cases I’ve pulled into a spot just to drop something off to a professor. I come back and bam, there it is. Honestly people, if you’re not going to provide a 20 minute parking zone, then don’t ticket us for parking in an unlabeled spot for two minutes.

In other news…I’m anxious to see my vegan buddy tonight. Haven’t seen that kid in far too long.

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Spring Break

I can’t wait until Spring Break. I get to bring home my roommate! I’m really excited to show her my stomping ground and introduce her to all of my buddies at home. It’ll be great! I’ll get to show her how we do things in California! I mean, honestly, as wonderful and peaceful as Oregon is…it’s nothing compared to the wonderfulness that is The Bay Area. Seriously…if Oregon is so wonderful, why aren’t more movies made there? haha!
Well, my friends, brace yourselves for the exuberant energy that is my roommate. It’s gonna be fun!

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You’re Elemant is Wind. You’re light-hearted, care-
free, kind, sensative, and mysterious. You have
friends and most absolutely love you. You can
be calm and soothing one minute and ragging in
anger the next so no one wants to get on your
bad side. You’re beauty is inspiring and

What’s Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES)
brought to you by Quizilla

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Running Always Incomplete

The race is on
Our marks are taken
A shot splits the air
Gravel snaps and pops
Grinding beneath the balls of our feet

Destination in sight
wind dries my sweat
salt sticks to my skin
sprinting, shaking, surge

why run?
I can’t compete
On my tail
like grey hounds on a rabbit

I’m going down
but not easy
Keep running
Just keep moving

I’m not done.

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The Possibilities are Seemingly Endless…


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“Be careful then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”
-Ephesians 5:15-17

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