Ignore this unless you are Harmony
(510) 385-9209
This analysis is from the Starbucks Oracle – http://www.buttafly.com/starbucks/index.php
Behold the Oracle’s wisdom:
Personality type: Pseudo-intellectual
You’re liberal and consider yourself to be laid back and open minded. Everyone else just thinks you’re clueless. Your friends hate you because you always email them virus warnings and chain letters “just in case it’s true.” All people who drink grande almond chai tea latte are potheads.
Also drinks: Sparkling water
Can also be found at: Designer grocery stores
I feel like I’ve been running at %100 24/7 and I haven’t really accomplished anything. Weird. I think it’s because I haven’t actually written anything of substance since I started this job. I’ve been busy with the actual interviews (among other things, like the bf, hehe). But now, I have less than two and a half months to complete this huge task. I knew this would start piling up. It’s deadline inertia and it’s inevitable.
In other news, I don’t want to be left high and dry when my deadline comes, so I’ve been keeping my eyes open for new job opportunities, roommates and a place to live that I can afford (which, in reality, is nowhere). If you are in need of a writer, or a roommate, let me know! I’m quiet, I don’t eat much or leave big messes. I’m clean and pretty flexible in most situations. I won’t borrow stuff without asking (and I rarely ever need to borrow anything) and I’m pet friendly. I have no baggage except a betta fish named Nessi (who also doesn’t eat much or take up a lot of room). Finally, I listen well, I cook and I clean. Who wouldn’t want to live with me! *glistening smile*
As always, a lot has been going on. Kyle and I are doing well, despite the turbulance of Israel’s recent proposals and persistence. In case you missed it…a few weeks ago Israel called and explained his love for me and proposed (over the phone). I respectfully said “no”. And he proposed again. I said “no” again. He told me that he knew he could win my love in seven days. (When I told Kyle about this he said “Great, so during this 10 day trip, he’s going to make you fall in love with him by the seventh day and then use the remaining three days to plan the wedding! *he was very irrate at this point*)
When I told him no again, Israel said I should at least take time to think and pray about it. I told him I didn’t think it’d be very respectful to my boyfriend (whom I love very much) to be thinking about such things. He said he’d call me at the end of the week and ask me if God had changed my heart or revealed anything else to me.
The next day he emailed me:
Red Hook Brewery tonight!!!!
Outdoor movie (Garden State) and a small concert.
Call me on my cell if you wanna come! (And you totally should)
Goodbye Peter Jennings. You will be missed, by journalist and patron alike.
If anyone knows where I can find a kitten, let me know. Kyle and I have decided that we really really really really want a kitten because they are fun. 🙂
P.S. Kyle and Luke are also looking for a home. And so am I. After October. So let me know if you know of two houses that are available and lovely. Preferably next door to each other. Thank you. Have a nice day. 🙂
P.S.S. Loreanne, are you home yet? I miss you!
Isreal called from Mexico two nights ago and proposed to me. Twice.
I called Kyle and told him. He said he loved me more.
I’m not sure that I’ll be going to Florida and Maui with him in Feb. anymore.
I’m sad, and confused, and there’s so much more to this story…but my boyfriend just made me a delicious breakfast and I’m hungry.
More later.
I was cruising Queen Ann yesterday after stopping by my bank. I felt since I had just deposited money and stolen a healthy wad of counter deposit slips, I deserved a sixteen ounce “Peach Pleasure” Jamba Juice. One of the best features of Queen Ann, besides its quaint Seattlite atmosphere, is the fact that regardless of what season it is, you’re bound to see some cute puppies. I saw this guy get out of his car and I thought he had his girlfriend’s fuzzy sweater balled up in his hand, but no, it was the smallest, fluffiest midnight black puppy I’d ever seen. I only realized it was a puppy when I saw the bubble gum pink tongue reach out toward the man’s Starbucks pastery.
*sigh* All these cute puppy sightings and danjor’s kitten LJ posts makes me miss my animals at home. I NEED a kitten.