8 days and counting

I moved Izabelle and Ricochet to the house today. I was a little worried there wouldn’t be enough room but they’ve moved in just fine. In fact, they love it! They loved every square foot, every corner, closet and shelf. Under the bed, in the kitchen, behind the dryer, under the dresser (and almost got […]

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In other news…

So in all the excitement I can’t forget to point out other super important news…like how much the rest of the world loves us! And look, they’re even flashing little nuclear gifts of affection to show it! Isn’t that precious. *prayer* Lord, why do people feel the need for such unnecessary weapons and hate-filled actions? […]

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Wow, I have 11 days until my wedding! It’s just starting to sink in a little bit. The hardest part is that I still don’t know what Kyle has planned for our honeymoon. I’m so excited! I can’t wait to find out! And, being the investigative type of girl that I am, this is a […]

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Jon, your posts about LOST are driving me crazy! You do realize I have to wait one more day till I find out what happens on the season premier. It seems so far away. *sigh* Tell Tracy I said happy b-day. 🙂

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Today has been nice. Woke up and had breakfast with my roommate who, until now, I’ve only been able to see three days this last month. Then she dropped me off at the Bear Creek park n’ ride so I could pick up the car that Kyle took there this morning. The problem was that […]

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