Some things

A lot of crazy stuff has been going on and I feel like I’ve hardly had a moment to sit down and process it all. In fact, I’m with Kyle at his office right now and was working on some stuff while he finished some of his work and in a while we’re both going to sit down together to narrate our engagement story to send to friends since we haven’t done that yet. What makes me kind of sad is that all of my best friends are in California and I can’t just swing by their places to show them the ring and share the story in person. I had always imagined that after I was engaged I’d be able to do that. Well, my day will come!
Last night was really fun, Kyle and I volunteered to help out at a Jars of Clay concert at Overlake. We basically prepared and served food to the other volunteers and then helped usher people and answer questions. We only ushered for like two minutes because there were already so many other people ushering. The concert was really awesome and I felt like I was in jr. high again. (Remember when we saw them in concert, Loreanne?) Their first cd will always remain a classic in my collection. I also got a Sara Grove cd. She was one of the opening acts and I really like her voice.

I still haven’t heard back from the vet about Jet. I’ve only called them once since the doctor told me I had to start distancing myself, just in case. I’ve been missing him a lot and I hope he’s improved. I’m going to call tomorrow morning and see if there’s any word from the radiologist. I’ve sort of started preparing myself for the worst and tried to imagine how Jack would take to a new kitten. I know he needs someone to pick on and be picked on by (other than me) – I just can’t imagine him with anyone other than Jet.

Lord be with all those who need consoling and thank you for the joy You’ve blessed us with.

How You Life Your Life

You are honest and direct. You tell it like it is.
You tend to avoid confrontation and stay away from sticky situations.
You tend to have one best friend you hang with, as opposed to many aquaintences.
You tend to dream big, but you worry that your dreams aren’t attainable.
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One Response to “Some things”

  1. I hope the best for Jet!

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