“Everyday is Saturday for us!”

It’s the truth. Nearly everyone I’ve interviewed on Hunts Point says that everyday feels like a Saturday. How wonderful would that be? (Personally, I think it depends on how you usually spend your Saturdays…but we get the point.) I found out yesterday that I didn’t get the job at Boeing. Bummer. But it’s ‘aight. I […]

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Help Wanted

I swear my eyes are going cross from looking at the same information for the same profiles for so long. I need a fresh pair of eyes! If anyone has time and is interested in coming to the Town Hall or to my apartment to help me out, let me know!!! I need someone who […]

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It’s b/c I like kung fu, isn’t it?

You scored as Neo, the "One". Neo is the computer hacker-turned-Messiah of the Matrix. He leads a small group of human rebels against the technology that controls them. Neo doubts his ability to lead but doesn’t want to disappoint his friends. His goal is for a world where all men know the Truth and are […]

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Didn’t she realize?!?!

So I’ve been having super weirdo dreams lately…more weird than usual. (More on this later if I remember.) I had this one dream the other night that I just now remembered. I was in the Muppet Babies’ nursery, kind of watching from the sidelines. The kids’ antics are funny, I’ll admit that. But then I […]

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Things I’m really looking forward to…

In an effort to cheer up my sad sad head, I’ve started thinking about things I’m looking forward to: *Tomorrow: Miranda is coming over tomorrow for lasanga and MST 3000. Woo hoo! *Scott’s movie night in a week and a half. *Cassie’s next movie night. (hooray for Office Space!) *Thanksgiving *Christmas with family. *Christmas shopping! […]

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I keep playing it over in my head, and I’m still not sure what happened. What I am pretty sure of, however, is that today was one of the worst days of my life. I know I could deceive myself into thinking that it wasn’t as bad as it felt, but I think the worst […]

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