
I can only pray that I did you justice.

Just got done at the Falcon.
Lord help me. These things are so hard.

I hate when things make me want to cry. I’m not a fan of crying.

So tired. Still have homework. Got class in the morning.

Sucks. But not as much as it would have if friends hadn’t stopped by. That gave me a wee smile. Thank you friends. You know who you are.

In other news…I didn’t get that internship. I’m pretty bummed about that. But as my wonderful new roommate reminded me, “God just has bigger plans for you. I know He does.”

I love my new roommate. She’s such a blessing. I made her a strawberry smoothie today with my new hand blender and we watched snippets from Chicago. We sang and danced for a bit and then I had to go back to work. I hope we do that more often.

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3 Responses to “Emily”

  1. It’s so nice to hear you having positive roomie experiences again! 🙂
    Keep on keepin’ on, you totally rock!

  2. trademehalos says:

    Sarah, I miss you. The last part reminded me of all the fun times we’ve had together…making brownies, peach stuff, etc..while watching movie after movie. Those are the days.

  3. thanks
    I never got to thank you for all your hard work on Emily’s story. I know you were caught in between a lot of conflicts there. Thanks so much for sticking with it. I know I appreciate it… and Jessica and Bekah pinned the article up on the bulletin board outside our room. I think that they both felt that the story was a beautiful memorial to their sister.

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