Not a happy girl

Oooooh, my roommates have finally done it….they have crossed the line. Let’s start from the beginning.
First words spoken in reference to the VCR…”Don’t EVER remove the tapes from the VCR…ESPECIALLY on THURSDAYS”

Did their brains retain this ever so important piece of information? NO!

Super big problems people!!! Who is left without last nights episodes of CSI and Without A Trace? Me.

The American Embassy of apartment number 320 is very upset. The French are in trouble.

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4 Responses to “Not a happy girl”

  1. trademehalos says:

    hahaha…you crack me up “The American Embassy of apartment number 320 is very upset. The French are in trouble.” 😛
    But sorry to hear about missing your shows 🙁

  2. valor says:

    Hey, you want me to get them for you off the ‘net? That’s how I watch all my TV. =D
    I’m off-campus, so I can actually DL stuff like that.

  3. sarahmadson says:

    that’s awesome! I’d love if you could do that for me. Although, I just heard that they were repeats. But I don’t know if that’s true. Check it out if you get a chance and let me know. Thanks Valor!

  4. valor says:

    They are just repeats. I could get you about any other episode you missed, however… need any to complete your collection?

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