If anyone can tell me what that means…I’ll give you a cookie.
non-committal E-something make out?
Northern Colorado Earth Magnetism Observatory Duh!
Northern Colorado Earth Magnetism Observatory?
I know NCMO = non commital make out…. NCEMO = Non commital emergency make out? Non commital emotional make out?
Bingo You got it Cass! It’s Non Commital Emotional Make Out. I’ll explain in the following post…it’s rather interesting.
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non-committal E-something make out?
Northern Colorado Earth Magnetism Observatory
Northern Colorado Earth Magnetism Observatory?
I know NCMO = non commital make out….
NCEMO = Non commital emergency make out?
Non commital emotional make out?
You got it Cass! It’s Non Commital Emotional Make Out. I’ll explain in the following post…it’s rather interesting.