From: Moore, Alex
Sent: Tue 7/20/2004 7:47 AM
To: Decker, Sarah
Subject: I, Robot

Dear Sarah,

I went to I, Robot today and I want to tell you about it. We went to the theatre where I took you to see Van Helsing. As I walked up to the ticked counter, I saw the giving stars hanging all around and in the windows. I tried desperately to find the one you wrote our names on, but I could not find it. The people behind the counter must have thought me weird the way I was bobbing around and putting my face close to the glass.

The whole time I was watching the movie I was thinking of you. I was thinking, I sure wish I could share this movie with Sarah, just as we have shared so many others. Sharing movies with you make them all that much better.

This is the perfect movie for you and your dad. It had action, with some hand to hand fighting (I know you like that better than gun fighting). The detective aspect of the movie is so good it reminded me of CSI. I, Robot has is sci-fi, and has Matrix elements. Also, Will Smith rides a sport bike in the movie. If that doesn’t say this movie is for Sarah, I don’t know will. During the course of the movie we find out that one of the girl’s names is Sarah and she spells it exactly like you do (the correct way, not Sara). This scene where we find out the girl’s name made me catch my breath in my throat, making me miss you more. Hopefully, we can share this movie together in the future.

After the movie I was taking a shirt down to the laundry that I had worn at your house, and I noticed one of your hairs on it. This is the brown Express long sleeve over shirt that I wore once. I looked at it as I gently picked the hair up from the shirt. It sparkled in the light. The hair shined brighter than my golden necklace. At that moment I wished you were here to turn my necklace around so the clasp would be in the back again.

The point of this letter is just to let you know my thoughts and to know my thoughts are of you.



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