Soooo, yesterday I told Alex to leave me alone. He was whining so bad and I was getting pretty frustrated with it. What’s the deal with guys trying to get you back by whining about how much you hurt them or ruined their life? Dude, if I ruined your life that much, isn’t it better […]

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I am flower named PoluOwau ! I consist of my friends! Are you flower too?

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My roommate got engaged this morning! She called me on my cell phone just moments ago to let me know. He woke her up at 4:30 this morning and took her to his ranch to watch the sunrise. They were sitting on the hillside when he stood her up (literally picked her up and put […]

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I received an unusual message on my voicemail yesterday. (Well, I heard it for the first time yesterday; the call actually came in at 1 am that morning.) “Hi, my name is Steve and I hear you’re hot. If you want to talk to me my number is *** *** ****. I’m hot too.” So, […]

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What are the worst compliments you’ve ever received?

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Quick thought for the day…

What’s the best (real, serious) compliment you’ve ever received?

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The New Guys

The last few weeks we’ve been hiring on some new guys to join the work crew. Today, we’ve hired on one of my brother’s friends to eventually take the place of a guy that’s been with our company for many many years. This guy, Sal, has been around since I was just a young tyke…I […]

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So far it’s been a good day. I woke up this morning and went to pick up my parents from the airport. Surprisingly, Oakland airport wasn’t too busy today and traffic flowed smoothly. My parents brought back for me a professional looking laptop bag from the Chicago Tribune. It’s really nice. Yesterday my brother and […]

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All dressed up and no place to go. Sad… I haven’t felt lonely in a long time. I think this must be healthy somehow. At least, that’s what I tell myself. 🙂

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Sweet gesture

Three roses…tallest one white; middle one pink; shortest one red…note said “Happy 6 month Anniversary! it is my deepest hope that we can work things out. Love Alex.” What the heck? How can it be our anniversary if I broke up with him? Is that legal? Or is it just me? Whatever…I feel bad.

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