Quick Note: The radio station that plays in my head

My weekend was nice. I didn’t have to work Saturday so I was able to play tennis!!!!!!!!! Oh the joys of life. Not to mention that the weather was PERFECT! Warm, sunny, with a cool breeze. Of course we had to play on the crummy courts, but at least I got to hit stuff. *sigh*

Now it’s Monday and U-SUK.FM is back in rotation. It’s like it plays constantly in my head, the same way the radio was always playing in the bathroom back when I was living in the dorms.
It’s only after days like Saturday, when something I love squelches the discouraging tunes in my head, that I realize how loud the music really is and how much it sets the rhythmn of my life.

Regardless of whether you listen to the words or not my friends, music does influence the way you live and who you are. Don’t let your mental dial settle for USUK.FM.

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One Response to “Quick Note: The radio station that plays in my head”

  1. nertles says:

    Anne Lamott, in her book Bird by Bird (read it? it’s a great book about writing), warns against radio station KFKD …

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