I’m home. Yay. The journey back was eventful. Remind me to tell you about it later.

Random thoughts:
My expectations for what I’d like in a guy have been skewed by the media. Now I’m screwed. Sad.

I like ice cream. but it’s also bad for me. I eat it anyway. I’m noticing this is becoming a reoccuring theme in my life. Sad.

I like to buy stuff for people. I’m running out of money. Also sad.

***Today has been a fun day. Happy. But it’s also been a day of revelations. Sad.

The end.

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One Response to “”

  1. propheceye says:

    My expectations for what I’d like in a guy have been skewed by the media. Now I’m screwed. Sad.
    There is no reason to be sad, as there is plenty of time to unskew your expectations. You are hardly an old maid and you will doubtlessly come across hordes of men with in the next few years of your life.
    I like ice cream. but it’s also bad for me. I eat it anyway. I’m noticing this is becoming a reoccuring theme in my life. Sad.
    I eat ice creme almost every night… life is too short and with death already guaranteed regardless of our actions, so you might as well enjoy every second of the time you are given on this world.

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