Amazing Date!

After a long day of classes and running around I got back to my room and got ready. Josh came and picked me up right on time at 5pm. And he surprised me with a dozen red roses! I was shocked! Apparently he had talked to my roommate in advance to ask her opinion because he wasn’t sure whether to get red or pink! I was so flattered. 🙂 Then he took me over to these docks and we walked along the water. We talked and watched the sunset. This is a place that he comes to walk and just have alone time and watch the city lights. What’s even cooler is that we saw sea lions! There was this really cute baby sea lion that was just playing and having fun in the water. He was fun to watch. So after a while we decided to head out. He took me back to my room so I could get changed into some nicer clothes for dinner at this really neat Italian restaurant. I feel so bad though because I made him wait! I couldn’t find the shoes I was planning to wear with the outfit I had set out! So my roommate and I were frantically running around trying to find some brown shoes to borrow. But thankfully I finally found them. So once again we were in his really nice black Dodge Ram truck and this time he was taking me to this Italian restaurant. Let me tell you a little bit about this place. The cheif’s name is Mike and there is no menu for this place. He comes to your table and asks you what you like and what you don’t like and then he goes and makes something special just for you! It was soooo yummy! Then he makes you a dessert that you and your date share. It was sweet. Josh had made reservations for this place a week in advance. After dinner we got a hold of my roommate and met up with them to go to Jet City Improv. The show was great and there were a lot of people there that we knew from school. A funny part is that when we got there, they had you this survey thing and you’re supposed to fill it out with your name and stuff. We thought it was a tactic to get our information to send us junk mail so we put a fake name on it. At the end of the show they drew our survey and called out our fake name! Somebody in the audience yelled out that ‘Andrew Smith’ (our fake name) was in the bathroom, so they drew a second person and they won a prize of two teddy bears. haha, Josh was like “Man, we should’ve put our real names on it!” So that was a fun memory.
Afterwards, we went with my roommate and her boyfriend to Denny’s and I got some tea and we sat and chatted a while. It was nice.
Then he took me back to my room, escorted me to the door and gave me a nice ‘side-hug’. You know the kind, haha. Another thing, he asked me if I’d like to go to church with him on Sunday. So I’m expecting him to call, I’m not sure if I should go because I know my roommate has plans to take Adam to our church. So, I dunno. We’ll see what happens!

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