It’s been a good weekend and the best part of it is that it’s not over yet! Yay!
I just got a call from Brad. It was great to hear his voice. He called from Camp Pendleton in San Diego. From the sound of it, he had an awesome ministry to the guys he went through training with. It’s so encouraging to hear about victories like that and how God works through people.
All day yesterday I was a lump…pure and simply lazy. I woke up late, took a long shower, put on comfy clothes and walked in the storm to 7-11 to get food. It was fun walking in the rain. The temperature was just perfect so it wasn’t very cold. I got back and did some work for a while until I got a call from my friend Dan and he invited me over for dinner and a movie. He made the yummiest Thai food! Oh, it was soooo nice to have a home made meal! We watched I Spy (Owen Wilson and Eddie Murphy). It was funny.
This morning after church my roommate’s mom took us to Noah’s Bagels for brunch. I remember the good ‘ol days when there was a Noah’s in our little town. Things were good.
Now my roommate’s company has left and we’re sitting here trying to get our work done…yea right, like we’re really going to accomplish anything on a beautiful day like this! haha.
My roommate’s mom is in town to visit. All my friends have left for the weekend and I get to fish-sit my friend’s bettas. Hooray! Jimmy is going to have tons of fun with the company. He’s freekin’ out pretty good right now. It’s good for him. haha.
I’m pretty confident that I did well on my UFDN test this morning and I owe it all to my Bible teacher Mr. Edington. Thanks Mr. Ed…props to ya!
I got to play Battle Ship today at work cuz it was really really slow. I won twice! Hooray…I’m an undefeated champion!
I’m excited to watch kung fu tonight, but I need to find someone to watch it with me. We need more kung fu fans in this dorm.
Some more reasons to be excited:
I’ve scheduled some great women to come and speak to my Bible study and small group girls next year.
Some guys have shown interest in passing out Subway sandwiches to the homeless with me next year too! Yay, no more going by myself!
The environmental stewardship club has got some awesome activities planned for next year too! Some hikes, a few speakers, and other fun adventures!
Well, that’s all I can think of for right now…I know that’s just soooo extremely exciting. Have a great weekend everybody!
Your Temperament is IDEALIST (NF)
Idealists, as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. Idealists strive to discover who they are and how they can become their best possible self — always this quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement drives their imagination. And they want to help others make the journey. Idealists are naturally drawn to working with people, and whether in education or counseling, in social services or personnel work, in journalism or the ministry, they are gifted at helping others find their way in life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfill their potentials.
Idealists are rare, making up no more than 8 to 10 percent of the population. But their ability to inspire people with their enthusiasm and their idealism has given them influence far beyond numbers.
The Four types of Idealists are:
Healers (INFP)
Counselors (INFJ)
Champions (ENFP)
Teachers (ENFJ)
Too bad I actually have to pay money to see the rest of my results. Bummer. But at least I get extra credit for taking this for my PYSCH class! Woo Hoo!
Boy Update…
Well, like I said in my last entry…my adviser said guys were asked her about me! What’s going on here?!
After work on Monday, Josh intercepted me. He was sitting on the back of his truck waiting for me out back writing me a letter. When he opened the passenger side door for me, there on the seat was a single long stem red rose. I thought to myself “Oh dear, here we go” He’s so sweet, but I just don’t know what to do!
He’s been taking me out a lot lately and I’m really getting worried. He took me to the Spaghetti Factory and then we walked along the water front and sat on a bench and watched the sunset. It would have been totally romantic…but I just wasn’t feeling it.
He on the other hand was a bucket of emotions. I’ve been telling him over and over since we met that I wasn’t interested in being anything other than friends. And he acknowledges that he understands. But he keeps buying me flowers and taking me to dinner! I think the next time he brings me something I’m going to have to turn it down to get the point across. I can’t imagine doing that…it’s going to be really hard.
Anyways, our conversation at the waterfront was really intense. He took my hand in his and kept saying things like “I love how small and soft your hands are Sarah…” and he kept telling me how beautiful I was like a thousand times over! This is the kind of stuff girls dream about…what’s wrong with me?!
He kept saying things like, “Won’t it be great Sarah, I mean…IF we get together…if it’s in the LORD’s will…to be able to…[fill in the blank with some sort of cutesy, coupley thing]” and “We have a special connection Sarah…we communicate…I’m different than other guys, aren’t I?” or “I don’t care if other people think we’re together”
Then as we sat there on the bench, he kept putting his arm around me or resting his head on my shoulder and saying stuff like, “I’ve never poured myself out to a girl like this before Sarah” and “I’ve always wanted to sit like this with a woman…this is special…” and “I hope I can prove to you someday Sarah that I’m a Godly man and I can take care of you…” He also kept asking things like “Do you know how to make home made burritos?” and “would you like to make dinner for me sometime before I leave for Texas?” and other domestic comments like that. And at one point (I don’t recall how we got on the subject) I told him about how when I was little I stopped breathing when I was in my crib and my cat went and got my parents’ attention and led them to me and save my life…and his eyes got red around the edges and he hugged me and I was like “It’s no big deal…I’m alive and well! That was a long time ago” and he said “yea, but you almost died!” and I replied “Not really, it obviously wasn’t in God’s plan…so technically I wasn’t REALLY at any risk…(or something like that)” The point is, he got so emotional about it when I was refering to it all casually. Anyhow, he was constantly seeking affirmation from me and I couldn’t give it to him, because that’s not what I was feeling or what God was telling me. And I told him that!!!
He kept looking at me with such affection…I was scared and I was praying the whole time for the LORD to calm his heart and give me wisdom in the situation. I could tell he was overwhelmed by feelings he hadn’t felt before. There was a moment when I was pulling away and he stopped and said “Let’s pray Sarah…you pray and I’ll pray separately for a while.” I thought to myself…great idea…very very good idea. So he let me go and we were praying and he got down on his knees and put his head to the ground and prayed silently. He was definitely struggling with some heavy feelings that I’m not sure I could understand. But I felt for him and I prayed really really hard right then.
When we finished he seemed a bit more at peace. I put my hand on his shoulder and just gave him a look of reassurance…I couldn’t find words so I was just hoping that he could see what I wanted to say in my eyes.
He put his arm around me and rested his chin on top of my head and I could hear his heart racing and I could feel him shaking and he hugged me tighter. “Wow! This guy is really serious!” I thought to myself. At that point I thought that an out loud prayer wouldn’t hurt, so I just started praying out loud for God to have a hand of peace over Josh’s heart and an encouragement to continue pursuing God’s will. After that I had to pull away and tell him that I needed to get back to finish some work because it was getting late. It was almost 9 by this time. He got up and offered me his arm and I declined. I hope he understood.
When he dropped me off at my room, I stopped and reiterated to him where I was at and I told him that he can’t forget that I’m just a friend and he has to treat me like that…in other words…no more buying me flowers and writing me special letters. And he said “but I like you Sarah…you’re different…” Aye! Lord give me wisdom to know what to do!
In other news, Chris stopped by the other day and we talked for a while. He’s such a sweet guy…although he’s a bit short, but she sure knows how to dress!
Brad called me the other day. He was home for his 10 break before he has to go back to training until the end of July. Last time I heard, he and my dad were getting together for a dinner last week. I’m not sure if they actually were able to do that and I still haven’t had a chance to talk to Brad. He left a voice message saying he would call back later that evening, but I never got the call. *sniffle*
This next week Luke invited me to get together with him to hang out…I’m praying this is just a friend thing because that’s how I’m treating it…but in light of recent events I’m taking extra caution.
*Loreanne I miss you and I can’t wait to come home in three weeks! I need some girl bonding/pampering time and I bet you do too! Jamie you should join us too!
Last night my roommate’s boyfriend and two of their friends from high school came for a surprise visit! He didn’t get here until around 1am. I still had TONS of work to do, but like a good roommate I joined them on their aimless drive around Seattle. Well, I joined them because there were 6 of us total cramming into an itty bitty car – which (for those of you who haven’t caught on yet) means that someone has to sit on someone else’s lap. So in order to allow my roommate to engage in the inevitable closeness, I stuffed myself into the back seat and innocently said, “well, would you look at this! It looks like you’re going to have to sit on someone’s lap roommate!”
After driving around like that for a few hours, we finally settled on going to Minnie’s and got cinnamon rolls. yummy. So I didn’t finish any of my work and we didn’t get back until around 3:30am.
I had to get up early the next morning in order to get all my work done before meeting with my adviser. I love my adviser, we always have the greatest times talking. She helps me out so much and helps me get my career lined up.
Today we met and talked for about two hours. A funny topic came up when we were talking and I learned that there have been like three guys asking her about me! I thought to myself, “What in the world?! How is it that they are asking her about me? How do I come up in conversation?!” She said that they have crushes on me and they said that they were (in her words) going to ‘stalk’ me. But she assured me that she told them that I was a busy girl and I had goals and a career that I was pursuing so I didn’t have time for a relationship. (Which is all completely true). I thank the Lord for that woman, she’s a saint.
After my adviser meeting I spent the rest of the day in the office finishing an article. Tomorrow’s issue should be really good. There was discussion in the office today about a sports editorial. I recommend reading Kevan Lee’s editorial tomorrow…I expect we’ll be getting some good feed back on that one.
Well, that’s all I can think about that’s worth saying right now.
BTW – we’re on High Alert (ORANGE) again. Com’on people! Can’t we all just get along?
Random thoughts…
Stress makes you fat.
If I ever become a real punk, the first thing I would do is go and get a tattoo of angel wings on my back…from shoulder blades to hips.
It’s easy to distract yourself from doing something you don’t want to do, what’s hard is not letting what you want to do distract you from what you need to do.
I hate the rules I make for myself.
I wonder how much an angel wing tattoo would cost?
I need to draw more.
To bad I’ve lost my artistic juice flow.
I’m sad that I didn’t get the editor position again.
On the retreat I kept day dreaming about how much fun I would have at home on sunny days like this.
I don’t think I write as well as I used to…I wonder why?
I don’t think I’ve been this pessimistic in a while…I wonder if it’s something I’ve been eating.
I smile an awful lot for being a pessimist.
I wish I could sing pretty sometimes.
I wish I hadn’t given up playing the piano sometimes.
I wonder if I could’ve been a rock star.
A movie star?
I can’t remember what I used to dream about being when I was little. All I remember is that I dreamed a lot in general…I still do.
If I were in the movie Top Gun…I wonder what my call sign would be?
Among all these questions…this is what I’m certain of…I think way too much.
Matrix 2
Life has been sort of crummy…
but Matrix 2 was cool…it was deep; rather thought provoking. I had to close my eyes during one ‘particular’ scene (don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about!)…but other than that, it was pretty sweet! I want to be like Trinity when I grow up. *wondering* Does the motorcyle come with the job? Hmmmm…
A real update and more thoughts later…
Sometimes I wonder…how I come across these things.
Before you click this link…let me give you fair warning…click at your own risk.
You may be scared for life.