That’s what they thought…

My advisor thought I drank their kool-aid. But I didn’t.
Around the second time I ‘thought I was finally done’ I had to rewrite my article again. The first time I wrote it to meet the standards of my editor. When my advisor read over it, he thought it read too much like a PR piece. So I rewrote it again, reverting most of the language back to how I had it before.
In all honesty, I’m just glad it’s done. For now. I’m tired. More on this later. Goodnight.

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I am so scared and nervous right now! I’ve got that clenched feeling that rises in your throat when you know you’re about to throw yourself to the lions. I’ve been stung into action and there’s no going back now. Lord be with me!

This is it…the defining moment. I’ve got a lot riding against me…shaddy facts…history. I’m supposed to go to lunch with a friend before the meeting, but I can’t eat.
I just pray that it’s over quick. I’ve managed to arrange the gathering of all the most important (but slightly embittered) sources for this story, in one room. At one time. Nobody with an ounce of sanity would do this. I guess that’s why I did.

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Today has been a very very interesting, enlightening, productive, overwhelming, replacing old weight with new weight on my shoulders day.
Thank you Lord, for the good and the bad.

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I guess it’s somewhat accurate

You scored as Charlotte. I am Charlotte. I am friendly and kind. I am also responsible, and ready to accept a proposal of marriage from a man even though I may not love him. I value security.









Mrs. Bennet






Which Pride and Prejudice Girl Are You?
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A very “special” dictionary. by lily22
Look up:
Definition: Dictionary-like; one who speaks in an abstruse fashion; one whom people frequently consult.
Quiz created with MemeGen!
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I can’t wait!!!! So awesome!!

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Major revision…critiques welcome

Home James – By Sarah


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Really really rough draft begining…


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Much needed update, prompted by an email

I was sent an email today simply asking “how’ve you been? what’s up?”

This was my response…

Oh my goodness, can you believe how crazy life gets sometimes? Just today I’ve learned so much and been humbled in so many ways. (The good kind of humbling). Even though I came home from the office tonight dragging my feet and hanging my head; when you ask how I am doing…I would have to say in all honesty that I am doing well.

After writing a really tough obituary last week, my chief editor received a letter from the deceased’s husband about my article. It was not a happy letter. He pointed out several areas where I could have done better in my reporting. Many of my colleagues say that he was brash and “just worked up over nothing.” But I have taken his criticism to heart. He was right in a lot of ways. I’m trying not to let it bog me down, but I feel there is a lot I can learn from this experience.

That was important meeting number one. Important meeting number two was with my advisor. He advises the staff at the Falcon and oversees my major. I met with him to discuss a story I have been investigating for the last year and a half. Needless to say, I was in over my head. I had bitten off more than I could chew and he let me know that. We went to the back office, I laid out all the information I had and made a feeble attempt to explain what it all meant. For the next hour and 15 minutes, he let me have it. Gently of course.

In short, I emerged from that office with a renewed sense of clarity in my mission, despite the fact that most of what he told me was stuff I already knew. It’s interesting to me how hearing something from someone you respect, gives it validity and makes it more real. Does that make sense? I dunno, maybe it’s just one of my personal revelations for the week.

Today has been hell, but perhaps I needed to feel the heat on my heels to get me moving back in the right direction.

Wow, I bet you didn’t expect this kind of response to such a seemingly simple question. Sorry if this scared you. I just like to be honest. I hope all is well for you. Have you come across any grand adventures or interesting life lessons?

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It’s all craziness

Yes, I know you’ve heard this before. But I’ll say it again; life right now is good but crazy. There’s a dark ominous cloud looming over my head, but I can still somehow feel the warmth of the sun on my face.
For example:
I didn’t get that internship I thought I had in the bag. Turns out they didn’t have the available positions after all. But this is alright because I was already bogged down by some unexpected work.
Rockstar, I miss you. But I still get a smile on my face whenever I think of you and our fun times together. I hope you’re well.
I don’t have much money to buy food, but I have points on my card which give me an excuse to leave the office every so often to eat.
I overslept Monday and wasted half of the day, but I guess my body needed the rest.

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