City of God and my news staff

So I was thinking today…again. I was thinking about how much I’m going to miss my news staff. Every single one of them. And I wish so bad that we had hung out more often. We had so much fun today just hanging out and watching a movie. Oh, a really good movie! Called ‘City of God.’ If you haven’t seen it and you have a strong stomach, I’d highly recommend it. It was really well filmed and it’s a true story about a journalist…which is always edifying.

In other news…a random thought that I’d like to elaborate on later…

It’s amazing how accurately feelings can be captured with words. That’s why I love writing.
I love words.

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My ex-roomate Red and I went for a walk Monday. We walked over to Fremont, letting our whims carry us like they used to in our earlier college years. We talked as we walked along the canal, sharing our concerns and joys; confiding secrets we’d held inside all year that we couldn’t share before since we weren’t living together. We came to the main strip of Fremont and ducked inside the boutiques. We oohed and ahed at clothing we’d probably never buy (regardless, thank the Lord we didn’t have our wallets), and agreed that we both needed to clean out our closets. As I was looking at a scarlet tanktop with sage pasley trim and lace, she suddenly anounced with the confidence of a new convert “You know, you never dress in the style you like. You love all these things, but you still dress the same way you did freshman year.” She was right. I looked down at my jeans, candy apple red softball t-shirt and flip flops I’d had since 9th grade. After discussing it a bit more (she’d really hit a vein and was letting it drain, feeding on every last drop); she came to the conclusion that Abercrombie screwed up the natural growth of my cultural vintage/ethnic style. Working there apparently detrailed the organic process of my fashion identity. Imagine that.
It was getting close to 5:30 when we started down the side street towards Golden Gardens. We passed two other stores and pressed our noses to the windows, since they were closed. I was sad I couldn’t go in because, although I’d lived here for four years, I’d never set foot in either of these stores which really spoke to the spirit of my apperal style. I’ll have to go back soon.
Of course, I’ll go back when my parents come to visit. My mom was lamenting the other day that she didn’t really know who I was anymore and she probably would be terrible at picking out clothes for me. I told her that wasn’t true, she’d be great at finding things for me….all it takes is practice. I told her she should practice as much as possible and I’d let her know how she was doing.

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In a moment of raw confession

That’s right. God slapped me over the head again tonight. I know I deserved it. I’d just like to take this moment to publicly confess that I have not been who I should be. I’m not going to go into detail about how I’ve been falling…because that could cause some people to fly off the handle and point crooked fingers. Instead, I’m just going to say that I haven’t been the strong woman that I claim to be. I have done things these past few weeks that I knew were wrong and I brought others down with me (even if they weren’t as opposed to the actions as I was). It was wrong and I ask forgiveness for my actions (again). I know the Lord will have mercy even though He knows that my actions weren’t completely unfavorable to me at the time, and I pray that He will give me strength to start fresh with new convictions, conscience and self-discipline.
As far as the multitude of other errors I’ve indulged in – I ask forgiveness for those too because I want to start my new life out of college with a clean slate. I want to remove the cataracts of ambition that have built up on my eyes and I want a clear view of where God wants me to go.

May this post mark the moment I learned (again) to let go.

P.S. – Thank you Bob the Tomato. Your wisdom has saved more than just children.

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You scored as Yoda.



Obi Wan Kenobi


Padme Amidala


Darth Vader


Mace Windu


Clone Trooper


Anakin Skywalker






General Grievous




Emperor Palpatine


Which Revenge of the Sith Character are you?
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Praises and prayers

Praise the Lord I finally (pretty much) finished my memoir for workshop tomorrow. (good grief that was hard!) Now all I have left is a 10 page personal essay due tomorrow and the revision due during finals.

*that I would finish this year strong.
*that Sam the kitten finds a good loving home.
*all the other prayer requests that I can’t remember at the moment.


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Something I wish I could say I’d written

This essay is by Ariel Nieman, a girl in my nonfiction class. I think it’s brilliantly written and I wanted to share it with you. Enjoy.


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Not sure…you’ll have to ask them


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Also interesting

You Are The Key Character
“It’s what I was meant to do.”

You are the true enigma. No one knows much about you, you do not understand much of yourself, and your life seems to carry no purpose. Yet regardless of everything around you – everyone knows that you are here for some reason, even if no one yet knows what that is. Things seem to simply fall into place for you. Almost as though some force is working either through you, for you, or around you. No matter your troubles, ou have been sent here to unlock something. This is your destiny.

Which Classic Story Role Do You Play?
brought to you by Quizilla

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What I’m thinking about right now

Finish this article
Wish I could be playing tennis
Make up CFE so I can get my diploma
Wish I could be playing tennis
Revise my memoir for in class workshopping
I should be playing tennis
Write my personal essay for nonfiction class
I wonder if the tennis courts are full right now
I need to read those books for class next week
Tennis, tennis, tennis

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Interesting conclusions


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