Book status: almost, but not quite complete. A few more wrinkles to iron out and words to be had.
Job status: still at Hunts Point until…well, until the book is done or they tell me to pack up my desk and move on. (the tentative date is Nov. 5)
Living situation: Just put a deposit on the most gorgeous, spacious, “perfect-for-me-and-my-new-roommate” apartment at an Avalon complex in Redmond. (Thank you sweet Lord for taking care of me!) (P.S. Before you know it I’ll be hosting Alphabet movie nights!)
Spider status: One colony eradicated, another discovered this evening by the utensils tin on the kitchenette counter. Soon to be “taken care of.”
Relationship status: Kyle and I are living strong. Amen.
Kitten status: *sniffle* Not yet. (But I know it’s for the best *sigh*)
Friends status: Another wedding executed with grace and style. Congratulations to Mr. Adam-Ross and Sarah Louis Florence Branch!
Side note: The bridesmaids and I had a riveting discussion about baby names. We feel that Polly Ana Branch, Holly Ana Branch, Perching Ana Branch (“Perch” for short), Leif Branch, Autumn Cherry Branch (or perhaps just Cherry), Seymour Branch, are all quality names. Naturally there were several more, but please feel free to let your imagination run on its own.
Also under the friends category, Loreanne and Jesse – I can’t wait to see you! Rosie Thomas is going to rock our faces off!
Mind/Body status: Tired.