Walking cats
Recently I’ve received many inquiries about my cat walking. Yes, it’s true. I do walk my cats. But not both at the same time…that would just look silly!

Eating things he shouldn't
I think the habit started a couple summers ago. During the beautiful summer days I’d grab a book and a blanket to lounge on the grass in our backyard. The kitties would look longingly from the window. I held out for a while, but it wasn’t long before I caved. Strapped securely in their harnesses, they would lay belly up on the blanket with me in the sun.
Naturally, things progressed from there. Soon, sun bathing on the blanket wasn’t enough. Squirrels started teasing from the trees, leaves danced on the sidewalk – just out of reach. Puppies, people and babies walked by. So much action happening beyond the boundaries of the blanket! Sure, I was comfortable laying on the blanket, engrossed in my book – but apparently that wasn’t important. The squirrels had to be chased.

Time to go in
As they say, one thing lead to another and now we walk laps around the house. I felt it was a good idea to have them familiar with the surroundings of our home. In case anything happened, they would know the area and how to get back.
You may wonder how exactly one walks a cat. Well, truth be told, the cat walks you. And it’s not so much a walk as it is a meandering. We meander. Occasionally we hop…or sprint…or pounce. Generally the ‘walk’ turns into a mission. A mission to find things to eat (that shouldn’t be eaten), places to lay or things to pounce.

Sometimes we say hi to people and babies and puppies. Neither of them have any reservations approaching dogs. Izabelle loves trotting up to baby carriages to inspect the little people inside. Ricochet is more concerned with leaves and squirrels. This is a good example of why I walk them separately.
One of the things I love most since I’ve been walking the cats is that it seems to meet a need of passing pedestrians. I once met a lady who lived up the street. She practically dissolved into tears of joy when Izabelle came up to her to say hi. She picked her up and started petting her as she told me all about the little orange cat she had growing up in Russia and how she missed her so much. Before continuing on her walk, the lady thanked me over and over for sharing my ‘little kit kit’ with her. So sweet!