Ready for a new job
With every day that comes and goes I’m more and more ready for a new job. There are plenty of things I like about this job, but there are other things that I can’t stand – primarily, my new bone head boss.
I mean, I think I’ve thought this through pretty well and considered all my options. I could stay a while longer and devote a chunk of my work time to maintaining a log of all his antics and displays of economic stupidity. Then I could compile all of them at the end of the week and publish a blog series featuring Mr. Bone Head. That has potential to take off, don’t you think? Then I could use the money I’d make from the paid advertising to pay for my husband’s coffee addiction.
Or I could continue my search for the perfect, purpose fulfilling career that I’ve always wanted. I know it’s a rare occasion that anyone actually finds a job they love and can’t wait to sit in traffic to get to in the morning, but I figure it’s worth the hunt.
I also know that to maintain my integrity I should stay at least until they hire on a new person. They’ll need help training them and stuff like that. Then I wouldn’t feel so bad leaving two people (one whom is very inexperienced), to fill the shoes of a six person department.