
Had such a wonderful Bible study last night. And now for the coming summer months when everyone is so busy, we opted to read a book and meet once a month to discuss.

I love things like this. And yes, by ‘things like this’ I mean studying. Reading, studying and learning are things I wish I could get paid to do. Hmmm…I guess they call that ‘research’. I wonder how you could break into a field like that.

I’m meeting my writer’s group tonight and once again I don’t have anything to critique. I’m such a terrible group leader. I’ve only submitted one piece for critique and just about everyone else has submitted something for every month.

Despite the fact that I’m not such an active leader, I refuse to quit. I feel like it’s the last link I have to the writing world. And if I let go of that, I might never break back in. And then I’d be one of those people that submit to working a job they don’t really like and continue in a semi-passionate existence because they gave up pursuing the things they love.

I can’t wait to get completely settled into our home. Then I could actually relax a little on the weekends and week nights and do some writing and reading and studying…*sigh*.

I wonder where the Lord is going to take me from here. I just feel like there is going to be something big changing.

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