Pre-marriage counceling with John and Julie was so much fun last night! I am thankful beyond words for their wisdom and support. I’m really excited to see where God leads us through this. 🙂 (more thoughts on this later.)
I haven’t heard anything back from the women in my Bible study about taking the dinner train to celebrate the end of our latest study. I’m thinking it’s too expensive. (But I might still take Kyle on the dinner train for his birthday…he seemed really interested.)
Speaking of the love of my life….we might be bringing home a kitten tomorrow! Kyle went to a shelter in Seattle today during his lunch break and looked at some kittens I had put on hold the day before. He liked one of them enough to put him on hold for me to check him out tomorrow. I told Kyle that I’d get him the one he wanted as a birthday present (and if that’s what happens I’ll save the dinner train for another year.)
So that’s what’s happening in the world of kittens. As far as wedding stuff…Miranda called me the other day and said she couldn’t be a bridesmaid because she knew her school work load would be too heavy. I was really upset at first, but God calmed my heart. I can understand her fear of overloading herself. She felt so bad and explained how she felt put between a rock and a hard place. I still love her dearly and know she would do it if she could.
I’ve invited one of my co-workers to church this Sunday. I’m not entirely sure of his faith background, but he has been asking questions. So I’ve arranged for him to meet Kyle, Michelle and I at Illuminate this Sunday. Please pray that God will give all of us wisdom to be good examples and pray that God would open his heart if it’s His will.
So that’s it for now. I’m off to the Mariner game. A co-worker had some extra tickets that he gave us. I was really torn though because I wanted to go to W Movie night. It’s getting to the end of the alphabet and I’ve missed so many letters! And I miss my friends! (Movie friends! If you’re reading this, I really miss you and I hope we can hang out soon!)
Grr! You went to that amazing Mariners game! The wife and I had to miss it as it was sold out. 🙁
we miss you too! 🙁