Twisted up
Tuesday I finally kept up my part of the bargain and went to see a chiropractor. (I’d promised Kyle that if he went to see a dentist I would see a chiropractor…he saw his dentist about a week ago) Anyway, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen a back doctor and I’d let things go. I went to Queen Ann Chiropractic… a really laid back, family run facility with receptionists who wear jeans with their blouses and know everyone by their first name. Scheduling was a synch because the doctors kind of come when they’re needed. The place is run by Dr. Gibson, his son and daughter, Dr. Gibson and Dr. Gibson. I met with Dr. Sarah Gibson (the daughter). She was awesome and 5 years older than me at the most. She adjusted me pretty well and explained everything before she did it. Apparently my C-7 vertebrae as well as two vertebrae in my neck are out of place throwing everything else off. And get this…I really don’t have one leg longer than the other! (Which I always thought was the case.) Its just that my right hip is twisted up in such a way that it pulls my leg up giving the illusion that I’m crooked. Pretty cool! (I mean, cool that I know that now.) So she manually adjusted me…which means I got to hear everything pop back into place. Next time I think I’ll have Kyle come with me (he hates that bone popping sound…but I still think he’d be interested to see what she does.) After she was done she told me I might need to put ice on my neck for a while…and boy did I! I was pretty sore. The best part of all of this…the part I was most nervous about…. was the price. Thank the Lord I only had to pay $15. They’re checking to see if my insurance covers the appointments. So awesome!
I’m especially thankful that this place is flexible with scheduling…because my job right now is not. I’m getting ready to sign up with a temp agency because I desperately need my weekends. How can I plan a wedding without them! It’s impossible. But at the same time I need money to pay rent and pay for flights down to CA. Stupid money…it ruins everything.
Another fun thing we did this week is give Izabelle a middle name. It’s tradition in my family to use a relative’s name. So Izabelle is now officially Izabella Darlene…after my grandmother. So now I need to call my grandma and let her know that we’ve named her grand-cat after her. I know she will be proud. 🙂
Being a fellow Miser McCheapopants, I have not yet ever been to a chiropractor for my self. Who knows whatt strange vertebrae are mis-aligned?
I’m glad yore back’s straight, and sorry that your job is unflexable.
Have you decided when the Writers Club meeting is gonna be? If it’s not during the few days I’m up there, then we’ll just have to hang out normal-style.
Hello Friend! When are you going to be in town? I’d love to see you! Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you. I miss have like-minded crazy writer folk around. Give me a call when you’re nearby!