Narnia rocks my face off!
I saw Chronicles of Narnia yesterday afternoon. It was sooo amazing! It was better than I imagined. *excited dance* I’m still moved everytime I think about it.
All the talking animals and the theological messages…it was spectacular.
Now I just have to calm down and finish this book so I can go Christmas shopping without hesitation.
I’d also like to ask yall a favor to pray for the people in my office right now. I got to work this morning and no one was here and the office was closed. Linda, the associate clerk on duty Mon, Wed, and Fri went to the hospital Wed. because she wasn’t feeling well and the doctor found that her colon was bleeding and she might have to have it removed. And now no one is here today which makes me worry about Jack again. After his mini stroke more than a month ago…I just pray the Lord is looking out for him right now.
Working with older people is so nerve wracking. I love being among the experience and wisdom, but honestly…this whole digressing health thing just doesn’t float my boat.
I remember working on the cruise boat summers ago, and some of the old people were in great shape, and some were not. I remember one delightful old man working his five-minute way up the stairs to come get me one afternoon, because the glass of water that was delivered to his room had been placed on top of the dresser, which was about five feet tall, and he could no longer get his arms up higher than his shoulders, so he couldn’t reach it!
The only thing crazier than that was the very fragile woman that wanted us to set up the treadmill running machine that we had folded up in the forward lounge. The 1st mate took one look at her and said, “I’m sorry, but that machine is completely broken.” She whines for a minute, then walks away. He says under his breath, “Better it than you…”
Man, I better be rich by the time that I’m old, or else things might get uncomfortable…
I need to get my christmas shopping done, as well. Unfortunately, someone hasn’t yet told me what they want…oh, wait, that’s you. Tick tock, tick tock. (And smiley-face on the other issue; nothing changed yet, but vague hints have been dropped, and soon they’ll start being less vague. Cross fingers and say a prayer.)
I’m so sorry. I went out and got your gift but I forgot to tell you my wish list. I’ll email it to you right now. 🙂
Holy Shnikes! Those are great lists! When I get home from work, I’m developing a “Scott Needs to Watch” list. And most everything on your lists, is going on mine. Rock and Roll.
Yah dude twas pretty flippin sweet. I’d been worried that Disney’s funding of the film would somehow rob it of its soul- but alas it did not. My only complaints— I wanted Asland to be a little more frightening (to his friend and allies alike). And I wanted the breaking of the stone table to be a little more magnificent. I wanted an earthquake 🙂
But these are small points. It was really quite excellent.
I wanted more blood. Does that make me a bad person?
It feels like Disney wanted to sugarcoat war which I personally find more disturbing than gore.