Sooooo….amidst my stress I’ve managed to remember that tomorrow is Halloween (okay, so I actually forgot until now.) I still plan on going trick-or-treating for non-perishable foods for foodbanks. I’m not sure what time and I’m not sure who’s going and I forgot to distribute the flyers and paper bags today (so I’ll be doing it tomorrow if anyone wants to come with me.)
If you want to go CONTACT ME ASAP!!!!
It’s for a good cause and I promise you people will still give you candy. It’ll be fun!
Well, I’ve been working on some people, and know that at least Ryan and I are for sures. Jim is cool, but only so long as the weather is less than terrible. Rachel says she’ll be coming over to participate once she gets off of work. I was telling everyone 8pm-10, but that that time was fluid. There are a bunch of other folk that I’ve been harassing regularly, but haven’t gotten concrete responses. I’ll try and cement those folk tomorrow. I’ve been telling everyone to come here to the Casa de Hombres and that we would head out from here. Some group calling themselves “Circle K International” have been spreading flyers around; they stole your idea! Their website says they’re affiliated with some group called “Kiwanis.” Sounds shifty to me.