Brief update
Wow…it always astounds me how it can feel like you’ve been going a zillion miles an hour and still feel like you haven’t gotten anywhere. The book still isn’t finished, although it’s on its way there and Loreanne and Jesse are gone *sniffle*. (But I must say I’m glad to have my bed back. Old women don’t do well on hard floors.)
I got the keys to my apartment yesterday! Woo Hoo! I can’t wait to get settled in and hold my first movie/party/hang out/good times/game night. It will, I promise, be the first of many.
Tonight my new roommate and I are going to buy the paint for our accent wall. (weird tidbit of info: the lady above us, who was also the one who sold us on the apartment, has the same color paint on her walls as we chose for ours! That tripped me out.) (She also has a kitty cat who likes to stick her head out over the veranda railing and make funny faces at you.)
So this weekend rocked my socks off! The Rosie Thomas concert at the Triple Door was a-mazing! And my lovely boyfriend has been treating me like such a princess…I’m ‘almost’ inclined to believe I am royalty. The weekend before this last one, he took me on a surprise date and made reservations at the italian restaurant we went to on our first valentine’s day date four years ago and then he took me to the Seattle Symphony. *sigh* It was such a wonderful evening! Now, get this, he has another surprised planned for the end of this month! Well, it’s not a surprise anymore because he was too excited to keep it a secret. He’s taking me to the Foo Fighters / Weezer concert. It’s gonna be tons of fun.
So…back to this book. Blah…I feel so strapped for inspiration. All the facts and information is in my head, it’s just hard to get it all down on paper in a way that makes sense. Or rather, in a way that is pleasurable and original to read. As my deadline draws nearer, I find myself drifting off into daydream land more and more often. And I am constantly catching myself being distracted by other things…like what kind of mural I’m going to paint on the big wall of our new apartment.
Part of my hope for this apartment is the new venue it presents for me. It’s still foreign enough to not be a distraction and I’m hoping to get a lot of writing done there before bringing my stuff over.
*fingers crossed* *praying feverishly*
Final note, I still haven’t received any word from Boeing. The application deadline was last Friday so I should be hearing back within the next few weeks. Woo hoo! And, I heard that there are still a few clients interested in having their memoirs written. Should be fun! I’m ready for a change in writing topics.
P.S. I’m sick with a cold and it’s no fun. I hope I can still go to Scott’s movie night!
Boy Howdy! Sorry about the cancelled movie night, I had been running low on time, and Rachel had just broken up with her boyfriend and needed some support from the sidekick troupe, so badass friends and cheesy movies to the rescue! But fear not, Movie night will return…
Speaking of movie nights, it saddens me that I always seem to be working for the alphabetized ones. I have yet to go to one, but have always wanted to. (That’s how I found your LJ, BTW, via Harmony and Cassie’s. Holy Shnikes, those girls can post! Amazing!)
Your new apartment = awesomeness. The book will = awesomeness, of this I have no doubt.
And, by now, the concert will have occurred. I sure hope you enjoyed it, because it was a pain in my ass. Royal. Why? Because big concerts @ Key Arena = Crazy parking @ Seattle Center = lots of late patron @ Intiman theatre! Some people get so annoyed when I tell them that they will have to sit in the back for the rest of Act one. It says “late seating not guaranteed” on the ticket people, and we say it in a loud and clear voice everytime we sell a ticket. Sigh. Could be worse. Rolling stones are playing Sunday. Yeesh.
Grapes of Wrath. Steinbeck live. It’s beautiful. It’s wonderful. It’s ten freakin dollars a ticket, for what ordinarily is forty-two. The only complaints I have heard are from theatre people, and we’re all bickering nitpickers, so that don’t count. Come see this show. Tell all of your friends. Come early to get decent parking.
Trick Or Can, Monday. Whee! I’ve got only a few for sures, but several interesteds. Confirming in the next few days. Drop the word at the Ewok party. Oh, and ignore the rules that I sent you, I don’t think there will be enough people to make a contest of it. Maybe next year.
At this length, this should probably be an email. Oh well. Now everyone can read it. (Since we know EVERYONE reads your LJ. Well. They should.)