You know, it’s crazy…
I’m really begining to think that I should become a hermit. Go to the wilderness and enjoy the solitude of a cozy little cave or tree knook. Perhaps once in a while I would play host to one of my closest girl friends. But other than that it would have to be just me and the Big Guy. Yup.
I can NOT believe the awkwardness that was last night. Seriously, WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!! I want to crawl under a rock and just squirm in my self loathing with the rest of the worms. *sob*
I need to do something about this. Lord, I don’t know what to do now. I need you to show me which path to take. I need your strength to say what needs to be said to the people that need to hear it. Help me encourage those who need to be uplifted and cast away those who need not be in my life. I’m so confused!
To be continued…
You are better than someone who runs away from their problems. Besides, do you think God put you on this earth so you could hide and not make a difference in anyone else’s life?
You are smart, and I’m willing to bet you know what needs to be said. The hard part is just finding the courage to say it.
mmm… oh yes. many of those nights. I’m sorry, girl–I know exactly how you’re feeling. I’m praying for you!