Ok, no more stupid quizzes
So let it be said again that God is good…ALL the time. I know it’s cliche, but it’s true. Anyway, my good friends, I’m so sorry I haven’t been in touch. I miss you guys so much! Loreanne and Jason…you guys especially are topping off the scale of awesomeness. Thank you for your calls and thoughtfulness. Please know that I think of you often and brag about you more often.
ANDREA…HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY!!!! I’m sorry if my card hasn’t come yet…I just got it back in the mail today because since I’ve changed addresses…mailing services have been funky. I miss you and I’m praying for you and about your new apartment…I can’t wait to see it when I come home. How exciting!!!
Ok, now to briefly explain my weird…vague posts. This last week I have been working on the obituary for Micah Kellcy. I didn’t know him personally, but several of my friends did. This is the first time I’ve had to tackle an article of this kind before and it was soooo hard! It’s a lot different when you’re talking with and interviewing people you don’t know about someone they lost. But talking with friends who are free to pour out their hearts…that’s rough. It requires a lot of journalistic discernment to know where to draw the line between on and off the record. Also, writing this story brought to light the fact that none of us or our friends are invincible. Micah was an awesome guy and I feel a pang of sadness in the fact that I never got to know him. I really wish I had! Hearing stories of his life and how he lived it was really inspiring. From the sound of it…this was not a person who should have been taken. Although as I’ve done my quiet times I’m reminded that it’s not up to us to decide…as Micah’s mom said, God wanted Micah by his side more than we needed him on earth. Wow…what an amazing perspective!
I know this is not an issue that is going to fade away anytime soon and I thank God for pulling me back to reality. I’m only sorry that it took so much exposure to death (Micah and also war coverage in my media law class…ugh, makes my tummy turn) to bring me back to this point.