Who knows…
*So I’m home from Scotland and until I have a chance to gather my thoughts to tell you all what an amazing trip it was…I leave you with this…
Who knows what a day will bring?
An old man withers
while a newborn cries out,
and children fall in love again.
What man can know the future,
the untrodden path?
Days gone by, moments scribed
in stone forever.
Scars of regret adorn our souls,
and bind us to the hard-won
wisdom of experience.
Our glories, the strength
in our bones.
Our eyes harden
in sinuous strands of resolve,
confidently set the prize.
Passing by locked doors
to days gone by,
we peer regretfully through
windows of remorse.
And so, we are left with an
ever-blooming moment,
forever unfolding,
delicately in our hands…
hands capable of death
and destruction,
and hands with the power
to save and love.
The ever-present moment,
the eternal adventure,
beckons us come and dissolve,
in the freedom
of uncharted waters.
-Julian Epps