The good and the bad…all at once
So, I suppose it’s best to start with the bad so that the good seems that much better, right?
I found out today that Jimmy passed away a couple days ago. I ran into Dave at the Bookstore, he greeted me with a long face and broke the sad news. He also said he got me a new betta. He named him Frodo but said that I could change it if I want. I’ve decided that accepting this new fish would be a good way to recover from the loss of dear Jimmy *May he rest in peace*. I think I’ll name him Nessi, after the Lockness Monster; in honor of Scotland. Or perhaps I should name him Scotty…but I think that’s a little cliche.
My head is seriously swimming. I’ve been going to meeting after meeting since I pulled into Seattle a few days ago. I was supposed to call Rachel as soon as I got here to go to dinner, but it was too late when I got here. Then we had to fork over $80 for early arrival, because otherwise there was no way I was going to get my stuff moved in before the retreat.
I got to hang out with Matt too. That was great. Plus, he helped keep the atmosphere light and got my mom and I pizza. *Cheers to you Matt…I think you saved my life…again*
The next morning my mom and I checked out of the hotel and went straight to Brigitte’s to pick up some boxes and bring a couple of her boxes too. We spent Saturday trying to get the apartment in order and hooking up the essentials.
Got up super early Sunday morning to get my mom to the airport by 5:30am. Came back and fell back in bed…slept through all the events I was supposed to attend. I just made it to the tail end of the President’s speech and was seated next to my advisor at our table. Can we say AWKWARD!
Had dinner, gathered myself and reconvined at the Falcon office to drive to Camp Casey for the leadership conference. I ended up driving…(I was so sick of driving by this time…but I had to make up for my lectoral malfunctions earlier that day).
So, we got there after a few wrong turns because the guy we were following didn’t know where he was going and settled in just in time for the first group gathering. Camp Casey was beautiful and I wish we didn’t have to attend so many meetings and lectures that didn’t apply to my section of leadership at all.
So during the workshops the news editor and I went to do some investigating for an article and made it back just in time for dinner.
Anyways, long story short…because even I’m getting bored giving a play by play…we got the info we needed and endured the rest of the day until we were allowed to leave early so we could be back for workshops the next day.
So…today we had workshops ALL day and it was great fun. Now I’m bracing myself for tomorrow which is going to be super intense.
My new roommate thinks I’m insane and that I work too much. Perhaps she’s right…but what if she’s not? What if I’m not working enough? Oh well, I guess I’ll find out. Having three jobs isn’t THAT bad…I mean, at least I keep busy, eh?
I’m really truly scared and nervous about this year…I can already tell it’s going to be a doozy. Pray for me.
what?? you didn’t tell me you were back in town! Give me a call! my cell is still the same, and if you don’t have it, you can email me. I’ve miss ya!