Missing the UK

Watched an interview with snow patrol this morning on LAUNCH. Makes me miss Scotland hecka bad. *sigh* Someday…someday I will go back. I’ll bring my best friend with me and we will meet cool people with cool accents; make friends; find jobs; live in a flat and continue leading the sitcom-like lifestyle to which we have become accustomed. Yes, that is what we will do and we will be happy. ๐Ÿ™‚

P.S. Oh, and I “guess” Jesse can come to…if he wants.

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7 Responses to “Missing the UK”

  1. innout says:

    Didja watch the new Jimmy Eat World video at LAUNCH while you were there?
    Also, I have, um, well, the new album if you want to download it. I know, shame, but it’s not like I wasn’t going buy it anyway.

  2. sarahmadson says:

    Yea, I saw the new video…I emailed it to myself so I’d have it for a while. he-he. And heck yea! Send that album my way! Is it good? What’s your rating?

  3. trademehalos says:

    awwwwww this sounds really fun. I wish we could accomplish all the dreams in our lives that we have. Although, I might prefer Ireland.
    Sarah, I HECKA MISS YOU. Can we hang out after 2020 tonight? In fact, come to 2020!! I leave tomorrow after work for yosemite…and you leave soon for school! I need to see you!

  4. trademehalos says:

    send me the album after you get it! ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. innout says:

    I think it’s a great album, and definately working my way into my favorites. Well up there, oh, at least an 8 of 10.

  6. Can I be invited….? well…if not I’ll be living in a flat in england with an irish girl. so we can still visit ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Ive heard irish guys are really ugly. Just to warn you.. ๐Ÿ™‚ but you’ll just have to bring Mr. Jessie with you I guess.

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