For my career class we were supposed to draw up a timeline of significant events and our plan for the future. I wrote mine up in about 10 minutes…so I haven’t completely honed it yet. It’s a work in progress. But here’s what I have (or rather, what I turned in).
2003 – Began third year of SPU. Pursued writing more and improved. Met new people and made more connections for possible job opportunities.
2004 – Finishing third year of SPU. Applied for editor position at Falcon again…fingers crossed. Met some people from Seattle Times and made more friends.
2005 – Work as intern at ANG Newspapers in California during summer. Go back to SPU and work as news editor for The Falcon.
2006 – Graduate from SPU and take three year internship with Seattle Times.
2007 – Meet man of my dreams (Godly man and world’s finest neurosurgeon of course) and get married. Continue job as writer and reporter for Seattle Times.
2008 – Adopt golden retriever puppy and settle in a nice house in Seattle, close to office. Continue to pursue big stories and apply for editor position.
2009 – Switch sections from news to travel. Travel and write a few freelance articles on the side, exploring other news offices around the country. See the world.
2010 – Have kids! Work as news editor with new experiences of travel under belt.
2015 – Start working on authoring my first book. Continue as news editor and start advice column under pseudo name: Lucinda Casual or Iris (a flower meaning woman of integrity and wisdom, good friend.)
2020 – Famous with advise column and captivating news stories. Win Pulitzer prize. Thank Lord unceasingly.
2025 – Write more books on many subjects.
2030 – Settle down and teach what I’ve learned to coming generations of writers.
So, like I said…it’s in the works. I’m thinking that Seattle can be interchangeable with Bay Area. I could always settle down somewhere in Northern California and work for a good paper there…like The Times or something. I’m still torn about where I want to settle because I’ve come to love Seattle, but my heart remains in the Bay Area.
You are crazy if you think I’m going to let you live in Seattle! I will cry every day. 😛 lol
People with plans are scary
AGREES WITH NAN….WTF Sarah..what is this about staying in seattle…crazy girl!! *shakes fist* you ain’t staying there! its bad enough you’ve been there for 3 years and still have 1 to go. AND YES I SAID AIN’T!
That’s a really cool idea writing down your life goals
I think more people should do it
Makes them more accountable to follow them
Not to be picky or anything, but godly is spelled with a lowercase “g”. 😀