Praise the Lord…I got accepted!!!!

April 28, 2004

Dear Sarah,

Greetings from the Office of Campus Ministries!

We are pleased to officially invite you to be a participant on the Summer Iona Discernment Journey. Of the applicants, we felt that you have given thoughtful time and energy to pursue this opportunity and are excited to spend meaningful time on this journey together. Thank you again for your application and interview time spent with us. What an incredible time it was to meet you and see just a bit of what you will bring to this experience. We eagerly anticipate the coming together of this team, the discovery of our gifts and talents and how they will bless one another.

We sincerely believe that God has formed this team with precision and care. With expectation, we anticipate what works the Holy Spirit will bring about through the rest of this quarter, during this journey and beyond. We will meet as a team on Thursdays for the rest of the quarter during the cadre hour (location TBD).

In order to complete the process, you will need to fill out and turn in the attached commitment statement by Friday, May 2 by 5pm with your deposit for the trip of $XXX.00 to Mary DeJong (SUB 201).


Mary and Tami

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3 Responses to “Praise the Lord…I got accepted!!!!”

  1. Hunny you need to explain…what is this that you got accepted to?

  2. sarahmadson says:

    It’s a prayer and discernment journey. A bunch of girls apply to go on this trip that that some women in the office of campus ministries put together. This is the first time they’ve done it, so getting accepted is a pretty big deal because they’re particularly picky. There are only 12 spots. Anyhow, you get to go to Scotland and pretty much have a lot of alone time. Well, and for the rest of this quarter I have to go to meetings, read several books and start writing reflections. Which doesn’t seem much different from what I’ve already been doing. Other than that, the trip for the most part is supposed to remain a mystery. That’s part of its intrigue. 🙂

  3. that sounds so cool!

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