
I just got back from the Seattle Times office. That place is so amazing! I got to talk with reporters, get a tour of the whole office and see people in action. Well, almost. A lot of the reporters don’t get into the office until mid afternoon because they are up late the night before working on stuff. It’s a morning newspaper and deadlines are tight. *sigh* What an amazing career. *gazing off into the distance* Someday…yes, someday…I will have my own office. (a corner office with a lot of windows preferably…and my own name plate on the door…yea, that’d be cool.) My contact, Carol Pucci, writes for the travel section and her job has got to be the funnest job ever! Hours are nice, and she gets paid to go on trips, check stuff out, take her own pictures and write about how beautiful the place is. She also writes travel advice and such. And she can take her husband with her if she wants. How cool is that!
She’s super nice too…she gave me two office Seattle Times Reporter notebooks. The Seattle Times actually provides their reporters with an endless supply of conveniently sized notebooks. That’s amazing…I’m jealous. The Falcon needs to start doing that…I spend enough money on text books as it is. The least they can do is give me a stinkin’ notebook for notes and interviews.
Well, I guess it’s time to get back to reality.

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2 Responses to “Omygosh!”

  1. valor says:

    what? you an idealist? never… 😉

  2. If you get a job like that lady..You wana take me with you on your trips?

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