Shhh…let it be our little secret
So, today has had a rough start and I’m bracing myself because I know it’s gonna get worse. I was up late last night…until about 4 or 4:30 a.m. (I curse my lack of self-discipline!) I got my homework done for today but my main stresser has been these last two articles for the newspaper.
This is where it starts to go downhill…I woke up this morning to the phone ringing…it was my editor…and it was 11:30 a.m. Why is this bad? Chapel this morning was at 9 a.m. (I really wanted to go to that). Also, my class that I had stayed up late finishing homework for…was at 10:30. This will be the third time in a row that I have missed the bulk of that class for one reason or another.
But that is not the end of it. I frantically call my boss and ask if I can skip work today. She said she’d call and see if she can find someone else to replace me…but otherwise, she still needs me to come in. Blast.
Here’s where that leaves me: Two huge (unfinished) articles…already past deadline…still have to be at work in a few minutes. I work until 6…then I have to go straight to the office after work and grinde away at these until the wee hours again. Plus, I still have a few more huge papers due…and for some amazing reason I seem to be in a constant state of confusion. This can’t be healthy. *sniffle* I wanna go home!
Don’t stay up so late!! It’s bad news.
Yea…I’m getting too old for this.