Sprinkles and Serendipity
I have come to a conclusion that the man I’m meant to be with will have these two qualities (among other important characteristics like being a Christian and such).
Several of you know exactly what I’m talking about. For those that don’t…I’m sorry. That’s a bummer for you.
Also, I think I’m going to write a book about these qualities. (Well, at least a small and reasonably eloquent essay.) Because I think they are very important. Perhaps I’ll elaborate further sometime soon.
Ok, well those are my thoughts for now. Have a nice evening. If you get a chance, go outside and take a look at the stars…they are beautiful tonight.
P.S.- I’ve lost my new calculator. This makes me sad and frustrated. We (the calculator and I) were just coming to a point of mutual understanding about how we should work together…and now…*sniffle*…he’s gone!
If you have seen a Sharp calculator that seems to be missing an owner…please contact me. Thank you.