Ok, so I need to make a confession. My roommate’s bf came to visit this weekend and he brought along some friends. (Already I know you can see where this is going.) Anyhow, his two friends were David and Adam. David was on the phone a lot of the time with his gf. Adam has no gf. Adam is a cute Christian, pre-law, communications major at George Fox University. At first, he really didn’t seem like my type, but as we talked and had fun I realized how much we have in common. It’s ridiculous! Well, to get to the point…the thing is…I mean, what I need to confess is…ummm, we kissed last night…a lot. And I think I like him. That’s the skinny of it. But then again, I’m still coming off my period…so we’ll see if this is just an emotional thing or not. I’m really praying about it, because he’s cute. He has a big smile and a big heart for Jesus. And he’s funny.
Oh, the catch? He’s 19 and a sophomore. Since when have I ever dated younger boys?! And since when did I ever kiss a boy after knowing him only two days?! Since when have I ever been into an Orgoneon! I’m so confused! Pray for me. 🙂