I am the worst journalist ever.
My story isn’t going in the paper tomorrow. I had worked pretty hard on it. I took the wrong lead and it messed me up. The breaking news I wanted to follow:
*New computer virus/worm detected yesterday that has struck the SPU campus
*The breakouts of chicken pox at UW (importance of this is that even if you’ve already had the chicken pox, you are still at risk to contract shingles)
*News about the Patriot Act
*The New Hampshire primaries
*sigh* So much for my big break. Why doesn’t my editor listen to me!!! grrrr. I suck.
Do you suppose every reporter and writer hears “Wow! You are amazing! What an excellent story!” every time? No, because no one is perfect and the only reason they’re better than they were in high school is because people keep pointing out mistakes they make. If you wrote the same as you did in junior high you wouldn’t even be working at the paper…so give yourself a break and learn from it so next time’s story is better and you go with the right lead.
NO, you don’t suck
you just need to keep working at it
i’m sure with your talent, it’ll all work out in the end 😉