Sometimes I wish God would answer me faster. I mean honestly…I’ve been praying about this one thing for like…since before winter break (when the situation was raised) and I still don’t have an answer. God shouldn’t have made me such an impatient person if He was going to take so long in answering me. Gee wiz.
I have a lot to do still. But on the bright side, I just spent the last two hours getting myself organized…finally. I’m feeling better for it.
My roommate is going to be gone on a retreat this weekend…woohoo! Party time for me!
Most excitingly…my women’s Bible study is officially on the calendar! I’m so excited to see where the good LORD takes it. Yay!!!
Also, one other decision I need to make is who I’m going to write a letter to this month. I did make that goal to write one eloquent letter a month at least. Hmm, who should it be?
ooow ooow pick me! pick me!
write a letter to me!
hope God answers you soon, or that you’ll have more patience or both