Someday I will do the things I should when I need to, because I have to. And some day I will do the things I want to do when I want to do them, because I can ignore the reasons not to.
In other words…someday I will learn to listen to my heart. But I guess tonight just wasn’t the night. I’m still deaf.
Excellent quote (“The only normal people are the ones you don’t know very well.”)on your profile page. Personally I think there is no normal, it is merely a construct created to compare to. But then I also don’t believe in time (kind of), because it is merely a construct to make me late.
BTW I found your page via .
What are you talking about?
I totally agree with you about the issue of time. It plages me.
My solution is to condition everyone to just expect me to be late. That way no one is disappointed or worried when I don’t show up on time.
That’s brilliant! I might have to try that…”Dear Professor ‘so-and-so’, Please anticipate my late arrival to class throughout the quarter…”
Oh, you can’t let them catch on to what you’re doing. They don’t like it if they know you’re actaully coming late on purpose.